For some husbands, the office becomes a second home. This, alas, is not about those who dream of providing for their family and therefore strive to earn as much as possible, but about those who simply do not want to return home. Such an "imaginary workaholic" will find any excuse to get back from work as late as possible. At the same time, the fault is often not the mistress, as some wives think, but a simple unwillingness to communicate with the family. Fortunately, this is fixable.

If you get the impression that the man is running off to work to spend less time with you, study the "symptoms" first. If the husband returns home not just tired, but angry, annoyed, does not answer your questions or throws short answers, does not want to communicate, then the problem is obvious. Such men try to isolate themselves from the family at home: they bury themselves in the newspaper, turn on the TV or computer, while pretending that they are terribly tired and unable to get up from the sofa or chair. To any request, they can answer: "I'm busy" or "I'm tired", and then turn up the volume so that the TV drowns out new requests and questions.
No matter how angry you are with this behavior, do not rush to condemn the man. As a rule, people behave in this way if they do not want to communicate. Perhaps you yourself have repeatedly dismissed annoying colleagues or annoying acquaintances, or even deliberately avoided meeting them. To improve relations with your husband, you need not only to understand the reasons for his unwillingness to be with you, but also to try to correct the situation. You should not delay with this, because there is no guarantee that your husband will not meet another woman who is ready to listen and caress.
Create a cozy atmosphere at home. If you want, you can improve the interior - for example, add some spicy details to your bedroom. However, it is much more important to be able to make the return home desirable for the husband. He should know that a loving wife, a cozy atmosphere, a pleasant evening awaits at home, and not scandals, shouts, reproaches, threats. If you come home early, make it a habit to greet your husband with a smile, kiss him, and sometimes say that you really miss him. Do not overwhelm your beloved with questions and do not demand detailed answers. Just let your husband feel loved and welcomed at home.
A sour face and monosyllabic answers can be annoying, but you can handle it. Do not allow yourself to break loose, and even more so do not drive your husband away with the words that you will cope with everything yourself, since he is not even able to come home on time. A man can only be delighted to hear such "permission", and as a result, he will come home from work with a clear conscience even later than usual. Restrain your emotions, be discreet, and you can fix the situation and save the marriage. And if it becomes too difficult to hold back, a conversation with a psychologist or a visit to a gym that has a punching bag will help you.