Most of all conflict situations arise, paradoxically, between the most dear people - parents and children. Therefore, it is very important to teach a child from childhood to compromise in order to resolve a conflict situation. How to reach a compromise with your own child?

Why do loved ones quarrel
The closer people are to each other, the more often they communicate, the more points of contact they have. And since all people are different, their interests are also different. A conflict arises, the resolution of which is impossible if one of the parties does not want to make concessions. To resolve a conflict situation or avoid it, both sides need to make concessions. Popular wisdom - who is smarter, he will yield - is not suitable for the educational process. If parents all the time give in and indulge the child, a capricious, unbalanced, quarrelsome person will grow out of him, with whom it will be difficult to communicate and who will not be easy in life. It is necessary to explain to the child as early as possible what a compromise is and teach him the art of giving in to resolve the conflict.
Why you need to give in to each other
It is necessary to talk with the child about the conflict. If a conflict has taken place, it is good to do it with an illustrative example or choose a suitable example from literature familiar to the child, from a movie or an animated film. Topics worth talking about:
- what is a conflict (disagreement of the parties on any issue);
- how and why it arises (both sides insist on their own);
- what feelings the participants in the conflict experience (anger, resentment, dislike);
- what does it mean to give in to each other (change your mind, soften requirements, lower expectations);
- why you need to give in to each other (in order to resolve the conflict and stop experiencing negative emotions).
How to learn to compromise
The option of behavior when the parties to the conflict make concessions is called a compromise. When reaching a compromise, it is important not only to reach an agreement through mutual concessions, but also to strictly abide by the obligations assumed. Failure to comply with agreements is a pretext for new conflicts. Therefore, the child must be taught to be consistent. In addition, trust is essential to reaching a compromise, which can be easily undermined by default.
Also, the child should be explained that it is easier to learn to yield to each other, to seek and find a compromise in controversial situations, if you know how to manage your emotions.
And, like any theoretical knowledge, the ability to compromise should be practically consolidated. For example, agree with the child that he will walk in the evenings only if he prepares all the lessons during the day. Or come to a compromise on watching TV (you can watch it one by one, warning in advance about your favorite or important program).