Relationships are a complex and multifaceted thing, and if you want harmony in a relationship, you need to accept your partner as he really is. But this does not mean at all that you do not need to change and gradually change each other in interaction and exchange of experience. If you are unhappy with some of your crush's habits, you can help make your man change.

Step 1
The main thing that you need to remember in "re-educating" your man is not to pressure him. Do not blame or scandal about any of his actions. The best way to change a person is to encourage and praise them, as this motivates them to like you. If you endlessly condemn and reproach a man, he will not have the desire to change.
Step 2
Thank him even for the little things - for example, for taking out the trash on time or going to the store, pay attention to his positive qualities, to those habits that you like. A man will feel better and nobler, and self-hypnosis will help him change.
Step 3
You can also calmly talk to your man and invite him to work on some of your shortcomings, in return promising to work on yours. Such mutual understanding and sincere admission of their mistakes often gives good results. A man should see that you, just like him, are ready to work on your own improvement - looking at you, he will try to do the same.
Step 4
Be gentle and patient, and don't lose your sense of humor. It will help not to take a man's punctures too seriously, and at the same time, it will work effectively to fix them.
Step 5
If you ask a man to do something that he does not see the point in - for example, put things in the closet - do it in such a way that the request sounds like an offer, and not like an order. A man should understand that he will do it not because you want to, but because it makes sense and he, thereby, will improve the home environment.
Step 6
The key word in your relationship is agreement. Agree with each other - this will help to live in harmony and love, without facing everyday troubles.