The life of every family is unique. There are features that are characteristic only of this union. Therefore, divorces occur for a variety of reasons. Of course, there are statistics that highlight the most common reasons, but everything is always individual.

The reason for the breakup may or may not be very serious. Today, almost half of all marriages fall apart, and this is due not only to difficulties in relationships, but also to the fact that people in an immature state enter into marriages. There is no proper attitude to the family and no desire to fight for its safety.
Everyday problems
Unresolved domestic problems often lead to divorce. In Russia, this is the most popular reason for parting. Statistics claim that 34% of divorced couples indicate this very reason when divorcing. And the point is not that it is impossible to share responsibilities, but in the absence of help to each other. Exorbitant responsibilities fall on one shoulders, and it can be very difficult to withstand it.
Adultery is also a reason for divorce. The desire for new sensations, boredom and chance can push you on a sexual adventure, but the other halves often do not listen about the reasons, but simply decide to leave. Surprisingly, neither age nor length of relationship affects the divorce rate for this reason. There are almost 30% of the 2 thousand surveyed couples.
Cooling down relationships
The third place in the reasons is taken by the cooling of relations and the estrangement of the spouses. When the initial stage of love ends, rose-colored glasses evaporate, people begin to consciously relate to their partner and realize that they are not ready to move on together. Usually young people do not try too hard to find common interests or improve the union, they decide that it is easier to meet someone more suitable. 20% of couples make this decision.
Sexual problems
Different temperaments, problems in the intimate sphere sometimes also lead to divorce. About 6% of couples could not survive such difficulties. Of course, there is not one reason hidden here, but dozens. And in more detail you need to understand why people decided not to solve the issue, but to part. Usually this is an unwillingness to take responsibility for what is happening and seek compromises.
The next place in the list of reasons for divorce is taken by parents. Living together with an older generation sometimes makes life unbearable. Conflicts, jealousy, constant nagging lead to a complication of interaction in a couple, and if you do not try to part ways, then there is a high probability of parting. This was confirmed by 5% of couples.
Today, the problem of inability to give birth to a child manifests itself more and more often. And 3% of couples break up precisely because they cannot have offspring together. Usually people try to get treatment, undergo a lot of tests, but the lack of results leads to rupture.
Financial difficulties
But because of money, it is relatively rare to disperse. Only 2% of families fell apart due to lack of funds and dissatisfaction with the family budget. Inconvenient conditions, small earnings do not bother lovers, they only become prerequisites for other disagreements.