According to statistics, the majority of marriages have twice the number of divorces. Why is this happening? Is it really the young people to blame, or are families from one side and the other contributing to the divorce?

Not always. However, there are exceptions. Living in another family is extremely difficult, especially for newly-made daughters-in-law. Since ancient times, it has become customary that a wife moves to her husband. But not all journeys are long. The new family has its own rules, its own traditions, its own charter, which the daughter-in-law must observe. If she refuses and does something wrong, family discord or divorce can occur.
You are lucky if you have learned the basics of married life and you do not have a child. In case you have a child, get ready, because your ex-husband will remind you of his existence, and your mother-in-law will intrigue and try to manipulate you through your own child.
Divorce from an alcoholic, gambling addict, drug addict. In this case, divorce is the best way to go. According to statistics, divorce is easier for women than for men. Men in most cases drink too much, return to their ex-wives, but only if they accept them back.
Cheating as a sure way to divorce. It should be said that we are all different. Because of their own differences, there are men of effeminate behavior, and there are muscular girls. As a result, both of them can be seen on the streets of modern cities, and opposites have the ability to attract and for every muscular girl there is an effeminate guy. The question of why and why we change is experiments in intimate life, the cheating partner is trying to experience new sensations due to the fact that the current partner does not triple him with something.
Alteration of a person is a frequent phenomenon of modern life. Especially now, when fairly young girls are marrying already divorced men. What attracts them: experience or hardening, do girls pay attention to the reasons for divorce? We think not - these girls are looking for support and strength in these men, because they are aged, just like their fathers. They are looking for a father, whose love they did not receive in sufficient quantity in childhood. Guys, on the contrary, are looking for a mother who will take care of them. First of all, such changes in society are associated with the new status of women - a woman is both the earner of money and the keeper of the hearth. Thus, the female sex may well deprive men of their direct purpose of earning a livelihood.