“Marriage and its bonds are either the greatest good or the greatest evil; there is no middle,”wrote Voltaire. What are the reasons for getting married in the modern world? Everyone has their own answer to this question. Most will say - "we love each other." And someone will answer - "it happened." It is this "it happened" that becomes the reason for numerous divorces not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

Rosstat has published a rating of the most common reasons for the dissolution of marriages of Russians. The main cause of divorce in 2015 was the addiction to alcoholic beverages and drugs of one or both spouses (41%). The second position is assigned to the housing issue. 14% of the respondents admitted that the reasons for the divorce were the lack of their own apartment. In third place is the intrusion of relatives and other third parties into the family. This item accounts for 14% of divorces. The fourth place is given to a very urgent problem - the birth of a child. The inability to have a child for a long time led to a break in relations between 8% of men and women in Russia. The fifth reason for divorce is that young families do not live together for a long time. For this reason, 6% of couples divorced in 2015. Sixth position - in 2% of cases, the reason was serving a term in prison of one of the spouses. The seventh reason - 1% of couples disagree due to a long illness of one of the spouses.
In 2015, 611.6 thousand couples applied for divorce in Russia.

However, in the Russian Federation, there are several reasons that prevent people from getting a divorce. The leading position is taken by the reason concerning common children. The second reason is the division of housing and other joint property. The third is the material dependence of one of the spouses on the other. Only a small percentage of the dissolution of marriages is due to the disagreement of one of the spouses to divorce.
So, according to Rosstat, in 2015 the number of divorce proceedings, in relation to 2014 (693, 7 thousand divorces), decreased by 12%. Experts explain this state of affairs in society by the current economic situation in the country.
In addition, according to experts, the downward trend in divorce proceedings is directly related to:
a) the policy of the judges in the divorce case. As a rule, the judiciary is making every effort to still reconcile the spouses and preserve the family;
b) social support of the population from the state (social mortgage, maternity capital program and other measures of social support).