What Are The Dangers Of Marriage With A Foreigner

What Are The Dangers Of Marriage With A Foreigner
What Are The Dangers Of Marriage With A Foreigner

Recently, Russian women have increasingly dreamed of marrying a foreigner. Our compatriots are smart, beautiful and educated enough to create a sincere union with a man. Family life with a foreigner is a rather complex and multifaceted concept.

What are the dangers of marriage with a foreigner
What are the dangers of marriage with a foreigner

The main danger of such a marriage is to discover that the spouse is not the person he claims to be. How do Russian girls meet foreign men most often? Basically, this is facilitated by the popular correspondence on the Internet through dating sites and official marriage agencies.

Unfortunately, among foreign men, as well as among Russian ones, there are many swindlers, gigolos and simply psychopathic personalities. The faster you figure out who is in front of you, the faster you will save yourself from a dangerous acquaintance. Best of all: Initially a real acquaintance.

Often, girls find communication with foreigners by the nature of their activities. Exchange of experience, joint business trips smoothly turn into mutual sympathy on the part of the girl and the man.

What does a woman need to know?

So, your romance with a foreigner is in full swing, and the groom eloquently hints about the wedding. Know that if your man is from an eastern country, then a marriage registered with him under Russian law in his homeland has no legal force, since a Muslim rite was not performed between you.

In this case, you risk becoming not the only spouse in your man's life. Therefore, you should not give in to fantasies about a beautiful fairy tale in a foreign land. Be well informed before making any radical lifestyle changes.

Suppose the groom is still an honest man. The marriage took place in accordance with all the rules and customs of his country. But do not think that if something does not suit you, then you can easily get a divorce in a foreign country.

Common children can become a stumbling block. In Muslim countries, in cases of divorce, men prefer to take their children to them. This is one of the most difficult questions for a woman - trying to return from abroad her children born in a marriage with a foreigner.

The pitfalls of family life

What disappointment awaits a woman when she realizes that family life with a foreign husband is overshadowed by differences in mentality. This can manifest itself in everything: in views on everyday life, on the activities of women in social life, and in many other things.

For harmony in the family, one should take into account the national characteristics of the character of his beloved: the Germans are quite pedantic in financial matters, the Italians are famous for their stormy temperament, the Japanese, on the contrary, are restrained in emotions and very punctual.

What attracts foreign men to Russian women? According to them, femininity, flexible character, homeliness. But this should not be the point. The world does not end behind the high fence of a married couple.

Tips for women

Before you marry a foreigner, give yourself time. Do not leave your native land at the first call of a man. Learn the culture and legal characteristics of the country. Delve into religion, family traditions of the person you are going to marry.

Visit your future husband, get to know his relatives, friends, colleagues, actively master the language. And most importantly, gain financial independence. Think about what area you could work in this country?

Make new acquaintances, share your thoughts with your beloved. Evaluate his reaction to your thoughts and actions. In short, try to try on the image of a wife and just a woman in a foreign country.

If a foreign man is sincere and values relationships, then he will definitely help you and support you during the period of adaptation in a new place. Indeed, despite the different mentality, you may have one goal: to start a family and never part with each other. If love is at the head of such a union, then there is nothing to fear.
