Dangers Of Adolescence

Dangers Of Adolescence
Dangers Of Adolescence

Adolescence is a difficult period not only for the child, but for the entire family. Constant quarrels, misunderstandings and problems between all family members at this time become difficult to bear, they are resolved for a long time and hard.

Dangers of adolescence
Dangers of adolescence

During the transition period, the teenager becomes vulnerable, susceptible, his opinion goes against the parental beliefs. If the compromise is not found on time, the teenager gets into a bad company, acquires bad habits, and sometimes thinks about suicide. Most suicides occur during the transitional age, when the child is just beginning to realize his purpose, to build relationships with peers. The teenager is prone to apathy, often not wanting to accept himself as he is.


Parents during such a period should be especially attentive to the child, often talk to him heart to heart and build trusting relationships, because at such a "tender age" a teenager is in dire need of understanding and sensitive attitude to himself.

The conflict between "fathers and children" is a classic conflict inherent in time, which, it would seem, cannot be resolved. However, if you look into the essence of the problem, you will notice there the main negative human trait - the unwillingness to listen and understand. If every family tried to hear, and not be heard, then the problem would not take on such a global scale.

The ability to listen is in itself a very valuable skill, and if he also works in relation to his child, then we can consider that the worst thing in the transitional age is over. Many parents blame their children for smoking, coming home late, doing poorly at school, but they do not understand that the child is not to be blamed here. Rebuke instead of direct is a strategy that has not yet led any parent to parenting success. After all, it is helpful to remember yourself at that age before rushing into accusations. The child himself will want to come home early if he knows that he will not be judged there.

The transitional age is a creative exam for parents, as well as a test of strength in social, spiritual, and communicative terms. One should seriously prepare for this exam in order to be admitted to trust and receive credit in the form of gratitude.
