Adolescence is the very period that all parents are afraid of, because a child, being at the stage of a new life, wants to become an adult as soon as possible and break with parental control. He tries to come to self-reliance through trial and error. But we are not talking about children, but about parents who also make certain mistakes in communicating with adolescents. These mistakes do not depend on age, wealth, or education.

Step 1
Hypoprotection, or increased freedom. The behavior of the adolescent, like his actions, is not controlled. Adults do not know anything about where and with whom their child spent time. In such a situation, parents perform their duties formally, without doing anything for upbringing. As a result, the teenager will look for values and norms of behavior outside the family and, as you know, many norms can strongly contradict the law, health or psyche.
Step 2
Hyperprotection, or excessive attention to the child. Adults seek to completely control not only behavior, but also the entire life of a teenager. Such behavior on the part of the parents kills the personality of the adolescent, which leads to conflicts with peers, helplessness and many other serious problems.
Step 3
An idol in the family, or mimosa upbringing. The goals of the parents are: satisfaction of absolutely all the needs of the teenager and the desire to save the child from all possible and impossible difficulties. As a result, the teenager becomes the center of attention, becomes selfish and seeks to get everything he wants without difficulty. Accordingly, it is extremely difficult for such children to deal with difficulties.
Step 4
Tough relationship. The harsh tyranny of parents and punishment for the smallest offenses cause fear of adults, pain and anger in the child. As a rule, very cruel people grow out of such angry teenagers.
Step 5
Emotional rejection, or "Cinderella" upbringing. Parents in this case are burdened by a teenager. A teenager, due to such an attitude towards him, becomes touchy, vulnerable and hidden.
Step 6
Raising a prodigy. Many parents want to give their child maximum education and force him to go to sports clubs, music and foreign language courses. In such situations, a teenager is simply deprived of the opportunity to communicate with his peers and participate in children's games. He tries to get rid of such a load by performing tasks just for show.