The transitional age, especially in girls, is associated with many physical and psychological changes. Before turning into a beautiful swan, they have to visit the body of an ugly duckling. To help their child get through this period, many mothers want to know when the end of adolescence for girls is coming.

Step 1
Doctors conventionally divide the transition period into three sub-periods. The first is the stage of body preparation (at about 10-11 years), the second is the pubertal period itself (12-14 years). The third - post-transition (15-17) - means the final transformation of a girl into a girl.
Step 2
It is impossible to say with certainty when adolescence will end. Some girls mature early, others are late. In addition, since girls are ahead of boys in development, their puberty is less intense and lasts 1-2 years less. This concerns the awakening of libido, which in girls can appear only by the age of 18-20, that is, when they leave adolescence.
Step 3
In order to understand when the end of adolescence in girls comes, it is necessary to follow all three stages. At about 9-11 years old, the girl's figure begins to lose its angularity, acquiring rounded outlines - the pelvis expands, the buttocks are poured. Between the ages of 10 and 12, hair may appear around the nipples, on the pubis and in the armpits. Around this time, the breast begins to form. It is not noticeable yet, but it already whines, itches, swells.
Step 4
With the onset of menstruation, the girl enters a transitional age. This can happen at the age of 12-13 or later at 14-15. Cycle stabilization does not occur at any particular age. Menstruation usually returns to normal 2-3 years after the first period. This means the transformation of a girl into a girl, that is, the end of the transitional age.
Step 5
Still, it is quite difficult to set a specific time frame. If even 200-300 years ago, girls who began to have regulations immediately sought to marry, considering them adults, today they remain children in the eyes of their parents. Indeed, having matured physically, the girl can remain mentally small.
Step 6
To more accurately determine the exit of a daughter from adolescence, it is necessary to carefully monitor her behavior. Usually, entering puberty, girls become vulnerable, withdrawn, aggressive. Any comment about their appearance or actions can bring them to hysterics. And the inconsistency with the invented canons of beauty - to thoughts of suicide.
Step 7
It is necessary to pay unobtrusive attention to a daughter who has reached puberty. It is at this time that she most of all needs support. Mom should explain to the girl in advance what exactly will happen to her body, teach her to accept herself with all her flaws. In this case, adolescence will be more painless for both the girl and her parents.
Step 8
By helping your daughter get through this age, you will definitely understand when the end of puberty comes. The girl will again become affectionate, she will outgrow complexes, her behavior will become more balanced.