What Is Adolescence

What Is Adolescence
What Is Adolescence

The transitional age is the most difficult period in the life of a growing up child. It is considered by psychologists as one of the critical stages of life, along with the midlife crisis and the retirement period.

What is adolescence
What is adolescence

Why is the transitional age

At 10-12 years of age, children begin a period of rapid maturation, which lasts up to 15-17 years. The body of a teenager undergoes significant internal and external changes - secondary sexual characteristics appear, voice changes, facial features become sharper. The body and limbs lengthen, it is during this period that the most rapid growth occurs. Often, adolescents themselves do not have time to adapt to their new proportions, so they seem awkward and angular. All these changes occur under the influence of an increased release of hormones, which affects the activity of the endocrine, nervous and autonomic systems of the body. The hormonal surge gives rise to such negative phenomena of adolescence as the appearance of acne, increased oily hair and skin, dramatic weight loss or weight gain, increased or decreased blood pressure. Many parents are anxiously awaiting the transitional age - a child can drastically change his behavior, withdraw into himself or become uncontrollable.

Psychology of adolescence

The growing up teenager begins to realize that he is no longer a child. He becomes more independent, wants to choose his own interests, clothes and friends, and reacts aggressively to invasion of personal space. This age is characterized by maximalism - a teenager exaggerates any insignificant events, is able to fall into depression over a trifle, or regard a casual look as the presence of sympathy. The hormonal surge leads to a sharp change in mood and violent expression of emotions. Therefore, groups of teenagers walking along the street are often noisy and very cheerful. However, after such fun, there can be a sharp emotional decline. This change in mood also leads to frequent experiments with appearance. Teenagers are highly suggestible. They easily listen to bright slogans and appeals, believe that they stand out from the crowd when they join any movement. This is often used by unscrupulous leaders of various organizations.

How to communicate with a teenager

Most parents fear the onset of adolescence. However, how this period will pass depends entirely on them. Many parents say that they did not notice how the transition period went, because they communicated correctly with their children.

First of all, you need to understand that your child is no longer a toddler. He has his own opinion and his rights. Avoid going into his room, do not touch his things and phone - the teenager is very jealous of his property. Accept that he may be wearing too bright. provocative or informal attire, listening to "terrible" music, and spending more time with friends than with you. So he declares his independence. Instead, make friends with your matured child. Talk to him on equal terms, tell stories about your life, ask about his affairs. But that shouldn't sound like interrogation. By becoming a friend to your teenager, you can easily "get through" the transitional age together.
