Ovulation is a physiological process in a woman's body, in which a mature egg leaves the ovary and travels through the tubes to the uterus. During this period, the likelihood of pregnancy reaches its maximum level. Therefore, couples planning to have a baby, as well as those who want to avoid unwanted pregnancies, should have an idea of what is happening in the female body.

Step 1
Today, several methods are known by which women calculate the onset of ovulation. Their accuracy is quite high, the calculation depends on the characteristics of the body of each woman, namely, on the duration of the menstrual cycle. Cycles range from 20 to 35 days, with 28 days being ideal. The ideal menstrual phase lasts from 3 to 5 days, in some cases up to 9 days.
Step 2
Women with a normal regular cycle can use special programs that are now offered on some sites to calculate the period of ovulation. With their help, you can get a calculation, which is rather indicative. More accurate methods, taking into account the characteristics of a particular organism, have been developed by gynecologists.
Step 3
One of the simplest is the calendar method based on tracking the timing of the beginning and end of the menstrual phase. Suitable for women with a normal menstrual cycle. You can get the ovulation date by subtracting fourteen days from the start date of the next period.
Step 4
The saliva crystallization test gives an almost one hundred percent guarantee. The method is based on changing the composition of saliva, namely the amount of salts in it, at different periods of the cycle. For this, special devices with a microscope have been developed and are being sold. For the most accurate results, it is best to take your morning saliva.
Step 5
You can buy an ovulation test strip from pharmacies that works in the same way as a regular pregnancy test. The test analyzes the presence of a hormone in the urine that is responsible for ovulation. Ovulation, which lasts two days, is determined by two strips of test.
Step 6
Some women are able to determine the onset of ovulation by the signs that their body tells them: general malaise, weakness, mood swings, aching pain in the ovaries, increased sex drive.
Step 7
One of the most accurate and affordable is the method for measuring rectal temperature. In the first two weeks of the cycle, the temperature in a healthy woman does not exceed 37 degrees C, in the following days it is higher. The fact that ovulation has occurred can be judged by the increase in rectal temperature.