"All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important" - the old poem by Sergei Mikhalkov has not lost its relevance to this day. They become a mother regardless of age, social status and chosen profession.

A forty-year-old woman, as a rule, is already capable of making deliberate decisions, and her choice is not so strongly influenced by extraneous factors (the opinion of others, relatives, possible material difficulties), she is more confident in her abilities and has life experience. Studying, building a career, creative pursuits, the desire to spend time in noisy companies can be replaced by thoughts about the family and the child. Thinking about procreation, you need to weigh the pros and cons.
The big advantage of women of "mature" age is often financial independence, life experience and an established career. All these factors will allow her to fully enjoy motherhood, without regretting the missed opportunities, as, unfortunately, happens with young mothers who have to spend several years at home.
Age should not be a hindrance - doctors today consider 40 years as a completely reproductive female age. With the help of modern research tools and laboratory diagnostics, doctors have made great progress in the management of pregnancy. Today you can choose a doctor and even a clinic depending on your wishes and financial capabilities.
When a woman who wants to give birth to a child reaches thirty years of age, experts warn of the possible risks. With age, the risk of having a baby with congenital diseases or genetic abnormalities increases. At the same time, modern medicine allows you to monitor the growth and development of the embryo from the earliest stages of pregnancy. And if any problems are found, take the necessary action in time.
It is known that only approaching 40 years or later, many star mothers ventured into their first child: for example, the famous Ukrainian TV presenter Alla Mazur recently went on maternity leave at the age of 42. Susan Sarandon gave birth to her first child at 39 years old, although for a long time doctors denied her the possibility of having children. Cult photographer Annie Leibovitz, who has worked with publications such as Vogue and Vanity Fair, became a mother at 51.