What Discharge During Pregnancy Is Permissible

What Discharge During Pregnancy Is Permissible
What Discharge During Pregnancy Is Permissible

The nature of vaginal discharge during pregnancy is determined by changes in the hormonal background of a woman. At different times of pregnancy, their number may increase or decrease, but the main thing is that they do not cause concern.

The absence of itching and burning is a sign of normal discharge during pregnancy
The absence of itching and burning is a sign of normal discharge during pregnancy

Why does discharge appear during pregnancy, is it normal?

The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the active influence of the hormone progesterone on the body of the expectant mother. During this period, its task is to keep the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, and the mucous plug formed in the cervical canal blocks the exit from it.

From 1 to 12 weeks of pregnancy, under the influence of progesterone, mucous transparent clots can be released from the genital tract, staining underwear. In some women, they are white and very thick, and they are considered normal in the absence of discomfort.

In order to prevent the activity of microorganisms, the pregnant woman must follow the rules of personal hygiene and refuse to wear synthetic underwear. Use sanitary napkins to absorb the secretions.

Does the pattern of discharge change at the end of the first trimester?

The 13th week of pregnancy is significant for the firm fixation of the fetus in the uterus and the maturation of the placenta. From this period until the end of the entire pregnancy, the mother's body falls under the influence of estrogens, which are responsible for the development of the uterus and the formation of milk ducts in the breast.

As for the discharge, in the 2-3 trimester they continue to remain colorless or whitish, only their amount increases significantly. If they do not bother the woman, there is no reason to worry.

Otherwise, you should not focus only on the normal type of discharge, since behind the white discharge, accompanied by itching or burning, quite serious diseases of the female genital area can be hidden. Therefore, if any unpleasant sensations appear in the intimate area, a smear from the vagina should be taken.

If discharge during pregnancy has become a symptom of an infectious disease, if untreated, it can cross the placenta and adversely affect the development of the fetus, up to its death.

Is a liquid discharge a sign of pathology?

The appearance of fluid discharge in pregnant women is the result of the action of the same progesterone. They are considered normal in the absence of discomfort, an unpleasant odor and a strange color. Whether they are whitish or transparent - this is already a feature of a particular organism.

If liquid watery discharge has caused swelling and irritation of the genitals, an urgent need to visit a gynecologist. During pregnancy, the vaginal microflora becomes the most susceptible to pathogenic microorganisms, which often provoke exacerbations of fungal diseases.
