Famous people often have some peculiarities or oddities that distinguish them from a number of other "stars". And some of these features are so unusual that they become the name for a phenomenon. So it happened with the psychological problem of the famous film actress and sex symbol of the first half of the twentieth century, Marilyn Monroe, née Norma Jean Baker.

The essence of the problem
Psychologists say that almost half of the women in the world suffer from Marilyn Monroe syndrome. It is expressed in persistent self-loathing, self-rejection and constant fruitless search for love.
Traditionally, psychoanalysts look for the cause of the problem in childhood. So it is with Marilyn Monroe's syndrome - it can appear at a fairly early age if the child does not receive parental love. In this case, he begins to look for her from the outside. The child seeks the approval of others, wants everyone to please, to gain attention, admiration, recognition. Feels that he is constantly in need of something, but cannot find satisfaction.
Here two feelings come into confrontation: feeling unworthy of love and a passionate desire to receive it. In addition, for all the well-being, a person with Monroe syndrome will still feel like a failure.
The main features of this phenomenon include:
- a constant feeling of being an extremely unattractive person;
- feeling like a child;
- silence, frequent emotional leaps, isolation;
- insane uncontrollable jealousy;
- a terrible fear of loneliness;
- low self-esteem;
- increased sacrifice;
- preference for male tyrants, dependence on them;
- passion for sleeping pills;
- increased anxiety.
Of course, all of these symptoms individually can indicate a variety of psychological problems. Together, however, they show a manifestation of Marilyn Monroe syndrome.
Often, people with this syndrome seem to be addicted to a harsh, sometimes cruel attitude towards themselves. This is due to a kind of programming in childhood, namely, - the absence or acute lack of love and affection from parents, often - a rather cruel attitude towards oneself. Marilyn Monroe syndrome often develops in people who, in childhood, received many insults, disapproval, and do not feel unconditional love.
Marilyn Monroe syndrome requires careful and comprehensive treatment, since it can have an extremely negative impact on a person's life.
What does Marilyn have to do with it?
The fact that this phenomenon in psychology received the name of one of the greatest American actresses, recognized at that time as the standard of female beauty, is not accidental. Norma Jean Baker suffered all her life from a sense of emptiness, from an inability to feel herself.
Norma's father ran away immediately after her birth, and her mother gave the girl to her sister, as she suffered from mental disorders. However, the mother's sister, in turn, sent the girl to an orphanage. Norma Jeane tried for a long time and unsuccessfully to settle down in any foster family. The girl visited more than ten foster families. The actress, in conversations with a psychotherapist, said that no one had ever called her daughter or hugged her.
When she grew up, relationships with men developed according to the program laid down in childhood: they did not love her. She was drawn precisely to a destructive relationship. The world famous and beloved actress saw herself as a miserable, worthless, not deserving of love, a loser. And she continued to try to make as many people as possible love herself, while rejecting those who sincerely admired her.
Marilyn Monroe about herself: “What am I? What am I capable of? I am an empty space. Empty space and nothing else. There is emptiness in my soul!"
Marilyn was always tormented by the fear of loneliness. She was terribly jealous. She experienced a constant feeling of anxiety, took sedatives and sleeping pills. As a result, the girl became addicted to alcohol and drugs and died at the age of 36.
The sad story of Marilyn Monroe shows how dangerous this syndrome can be, especially "on fertile soil." Be that as it may, foreign psychologists identify several peculiar "commandments" for those who suffer from Monroe syndrome: this is the development of unconditional love for oneself, self-esteem, faith in oneself, readiness for new discoveries in life, the development of the ability to enjoy itself life. And you also need to promise yourself that you will definitely win over this most difficult psychological problem.