Can An Egg Be Fertilized After Ovulation?

Can An Egg Be Fertilized After Ovulation?
Can An Egg Be Fertilized After Ovulation?

The maturation of the egg in the ovarian follicle occurs by the middle of the cycle. After ovulation - the exit of the female reproductive cell into the abdominal cavity - the most favorable moment for conceiving a child comes. But it is worth remembering that a mature egg remains viable for no more than 36 hours.

Can an egg be fertilized after ovulation?
Can an egg be fertilized after ovulation?

Two strips of pregnancy test is the desire of any couple who decided to have a baby. However, in this case, desire alone is not enough, you need to know some of the subtleties of conception.

The onset of pregnancy is possible only when the sperm meets the egg. And if the life span of the male reproductive cell reaches seven days, then in the female this period is reduced to 32, or even to 16 hours.

It is necessary to understand that the counting of the life hours of the egg begins immediately after ovulation - a physiological process in which a mature adult follicle breaks in the ovary, and the egg comes out of it into the abdominal cavity.

It is worth remembering that two ovulations a month almost never happen.

If fertilization does not occur within 16-32 hours after the release of the egg from the follicle, then the female reproductive cell under the influence of the hormone progesterone will be released during menstruation.

Thus, the day after ovulation is the most favorable time for conceiving a child. This is also confirmed by medical statistics, according to which conception at this time occurs in 33% of cases.

For comparison: the probability of conception when sperm enters the uterine cavity a day before ovulation is 31%, two days before ovulation - 27%, three days - 16%, four days - 14%, five days - no more than 10% …

But how do you determine ovulation? In a normal monthly cycle of about 28 days, ovulation occurs around the middle of the cycle, that is, around day 14. However, the dates can be moved either forward or backward. In this case, the most accurate determination of the day of release of the egg into the abdominal cavity can be done by the following methods:

- measurement of rectal temperature. Before ovulation, it decreases slightly, and on the day the egg leaves the follicle, it rises;

- visual observation of vaginal discharge. In the period before ovulation, vaginal discharge becomes more watery and resembles raw egg white in consistency;

- the use of ovulation tests. You can buy such a test at almost any pharmacy. The test is based on the determination of luteinizing hormone in the urine, which is actively produced by the female body before ovulation. Such tests also have a drawback - it is necessary to determine the level of the hormone in the urine for a rather long period - 5-9 days;

- hardware method. Folliculometry is an ultrasound method for determining ovulation, which is currently the most accurate.

It is impossible to increase the life span of an egg with the help of exercises, medicines and folk remedies. But in order for conception to occur, it is more likely that you should adhere to some tips.

Firstly, the frequency of sexual intercourse should be increased from the moment a woman showed the first signs of ovulation - an increase in sexual desire, pain in the lower abdomen, breast swelling, a change in the consistency of vaginal discharge. Secondly, you should avoid smoking and drinking a lot of alcohol. Thirdly, try to consume less food containing caffeine, chocolate - these foods impair blood circulation in the genitals. Fourth, keep your medication to a minimum.
