How Much Does A 3 Month Old Baby Sleep

How Much Does A 3 Month Old Baby Sleep
How Much Does A 3 Month Old Baby Sleep

One of the most important parts of a three month old baby's daily routine is restful sleep. Often, by this age, the baby has already approximately formed a sleep regimen, which is a guideline for the mother in order to correctly distribute the daily routine of her child.

How much does a 3 month old baby sleep
How much does a 3 month old baby sleep

Sleep of a child of three months

Ideally, a child should go to bed at a specific time for daytime and nighttime sleep. If the baby has a restful sleep of a certain duration, while he falls asleep on his own, it means that the child has normal health and has the correct regimen.

But each child at the age of three months shows its own individual characteristics that relate to sleep. Sleep in children varies in duration. One baby wakes up early in the morning, another can sleep for a long time, and a third can sleep for a long time during the day. That is why it is not recommended to force the baby to sleep if he does not want to, or to wake him up ahead of time.

There is a generally established sleep rate for a child aged three months, it is equal to 14 - 17 hours per day. During the day, the child can sleep several times, ranging from one to two hours. A child's night sleep is approximately 10-11 hours. Usually this time period starts from 9 pm - 10 pm until 6 am - 7 am.

A number of factors affect how long your child sleeps. The physical and psychological state of the child also greatly influences healthy sleep. If the child is very active, at the same time feels great, does not get sick, but sleeps a little, do not worry too much about this. The factor of the child's personality with the presence of any small deviations in the sleep mode from the established norms also takes place.

A child's sleep at night

In order for the baby to fall asleep quickly, it is necessary to create a calm and sleep-friendly environment in the house. In addition, fresh air and coolness in the room are essential for a healthy sleep.

Before the child goes to bed, it is imperative to ventilate the room well. The normal room temperature for sleeping is 20-22oC. In the evening, you need to put your baby to bed at the same time, usually 21.00 - 21.30.

If you go to bed later, then the child will be tired and moody, and the process of falling asleep can be much delayed. If the baby is active, he still needs to be put to bed, otherwise it will be much more difficult to do this later.

In the room where the child sleeps, it should be dark at night, it is not recommended to leave the lamp overnight, it can be left next to the baby's crib and turned on as needed. At night, the baby may wake up (require feeding, or mosquitoes or flies disturb him), if all irritants are excluded, he will fall asleep again and gradually get used to a long night's sleep.
