How To Swaddle A Newborn Baby And Whether It Should Be Done

How To Swaddle A Newborn Baby And Whether It Should Be Done
How To Swaddle A Newborn Baby And Whether It Should Be Done

From time immemorial in Russia it was customary to swaddle newborns. For this, special swaddling or midwives were used, which were 15 cm wide fabric strips decorated with patterns. They were passed down from generation to generation and considered a talisman. Swaddled children from shoulders to feet.

How to swaddle a newborn baby and whether it should be done
How to swaddle a newborn baby and whether it should be done

Is tight swaddling harmful

Previously, tight swaddling was used to reduce postpartum stress in a baby. Such manipulations involved wrapping children so that they could not move, while their arms were aligned and pressed tightly to the body.

Modern medicine looks at this process from a different point of view. Thoughtless and prolonged tight swaddling can inhibit the development of the child's motor functions. Babies get used to their hands and feet for a long time. Up to 7-8 months, they can wake themselves up with shudders. Effects of this kind on the legs provoke hip dysplasia. Among the negative aspects, it should be noted a decrease in immunity, overheating, compression of the lungs, a violation of blood supply. Disruption of the usual physiological posture makes the child nervous and excitable.

Psychologists also do not stand aside, who associate tight swaddling with such personality traits as weak character, passivity, and a tendency to be a victim.

All about free swaddling

Until the moment of birth, the baby's body is tightly hugged by the walls of the uterus, becoming supports for the legs and arms. Any imitation of such hugs gives the baby a feeling of comfort and tranquility. Indeed, in the new conditions of stay, his limbs dangle chaotically and often frighten. Psychologists consider fear to be the strongest inhibitor of tactile, cognitive and motor function.

Correct free swaddling allows the newborn to take a comfortable position, if desired, pull the legs to the tummy and suck on the fist, thereby calming himself.

Sleep consists of a superficial and a deep stage. The transition from one type of sleep to another is accompanied by a change in nervous excitability, in which the body shudders. In babies, flinching can be very strong and provoke his fright and waking up. Thanks to swaddling, the child learns to sleep on his own, the diapers will securely hold his arms and legs.

When to swaddle

Pediatricians advise using light swaddling until the baby begins to get rid of the diaper on his own, showing his readiness for freedom.

By the third week, the child wakes up interest in the world around him, he wants to touch the toy and other objects lying next to him. At this time, you can enter the type of swaddling "under the arms", when only the legs are wrapped in foam, without interfering with their freedom. If the baby continues to throw up, swaddle with handles. Sometimes the need for such action lasts up to 5-6 months.
