A real woman knows how to maintain attractiveness in any life situation. The state of pregnancy, of course, gives a woman a special charm, but if she remains athletic and fit, then she deserves doubly respect.

The advantages of a woman engaged in fitness over a lazy person, doomedly gaining extra pounds, firmly settled on the couch, in preparation for the birth of a healthy baby are obvious. The training process itself makes it easier psychologically to survive this difficult period. And the recovery of health and shape after childbirth in women who are actively involved in sports is faster. Physical activity helps to preserve the beauty and femininity of the expectant mother. The very "interesting position" of a woman carries a potential charge of energy: during pregnancy, due to the production of certain hormones, natural flexibility is restored, which fitness successfully develops.
It happens, of course, that any load on certain organs and parts of the body is strictly contraindicated for the expectant mother. The reason for this may be, for example, the wrong position of the fetus or pneumonia, hypertension, heart disease, problems with the spine. But in all these cases, specialists in the field of obstetrics and gynecology will be able to give the right recommendations for fitness.
In the early stages (up to 17 weeks), a woman can remain active. If she had previously led a sports lifestyle, let her continue with her usual workouts, not forgetting to be regularly examined by doctors. The rest should stick to a gentle training regimen. In the subsequent stages of pregnancy, the load is gradually reduced, and exercises on the back, deep squats and jumps are completely excluded. You should not exhaust yourself on cardiovascular equipment, although these exercises are useful within reasonable limits.
Constant training will help regulate natural prenatal processes and quickly regain its former shape after childbirth. One of the popular trends in fitness is aerobics. There are several varieties of it, which, when properly combined, give the most positive result. The main thing is not to forget about the "upper bar" set for you by a specialist. However, the expectant mother herself will probably feel at what point she should stop exercising or, conversely, slightly increase the load.
The most accessible types of fitness are ordinary walking and running.
A walk in the fresh air for one and a half to two hours not only tones the muscles of the lower extremities, but also soothes the nerves to a certain extent. If you have not been involved in athletics before, have not made regular jogging, then it is not recommended to rush to conquer a marathon distance with overcoming obstacles. Jogging in a park or square will have a more beneficial effect on the general condition of your body. Do not forget that the better the expectant mother feels throughout the entire period of happy waiting, the more likely a healthy baby will be born. In late pregnancy, jogging is replaced by leisurely walks.
You can do sports training at home. There are many ways to get your physical condition in order. Take up step aerobics. For this, a special step-trainer is used, exercises on which simulate climbing and descending stairs. In parallel with the work of the legs, the upper body performs intricate choreographic movements. During training, almost all muscle groups are involved, the cardiovascular system works intensively, which, in fact, leads to getting rid of excess calories.
Fitball exercises
Exercises with fitball are popular among pregnant women. This is a ball with a diameter of 55 or 65 cm, the internal pressure of which can be changed using a conventional pump. More expensive balls are made, as a rule, of a thicker vinyl layer and, accordingly, more durable. Fitball aerobics exercises train the vestibular apparatus, and also relieve additional stress on the spine, which is exactly what the expectant mother needs.
There is a specially designed program designed to strengthen the collar and perineum area at the beginning of pregnancy. You should not give up fitball in the later stages - exercises with it will help to maintain the plasticity of muscles and ligaments, which will be very useful at the most crucial moment.
Perhaps not always available, but perhaps the most popular sport among pregnant women is water aerobics. Due to its density, water partially relieves the load from the spine, which cannot but please the expectant mother. On the other hand, the same watery environment creates additional resistance when exercising. These activities have the most beneficial effect, for example, on varicose veins, increasing blood circulation and oxygen exchange in the tissues. The temperature of the water in the pool should range from 30 to 36 degrees, and the more "serious" the exercise program, the cooler the water should be.
There is a lot of controversy about whether it is advisable for pregnant women to visit the sauna. The doctors did not come to a consensus, but most of them refer to the fact that since ancient times in Russia women traditionally went to the bathhouse during the demolitions. And in fact, the bath is a unique way to restore the body after physical activity. But here, again, one should not go to extremes - as for the temperature in the sauna and the time spent in it, everything is fine in moderation.
Suitable for pregnant women and fitness such as yoga and callanetics
Yoga aerobics combines static and dynamic postures, stretching and relaxation exercises. However, breathing exercises are most useful for expectant mothers. Yoga brings a woman into psychological balance, which also has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy.
Callanetics has not yet become as popular in Russia as, say, in America, but its beneficial effect on the body is beyond doubt.
The main task of this type of aerobics is the development of small muscles, which makes it possible to experience completely new and unusual sensations. The essence of callanetics consists in maintaining a certain posture for 60-100 seconds with a feeling of tension in all muscles. In part, it is akin to yoga, but it also carries some additional elements.
There is no unified system in the distribution of time for sports exercises. Each woman herself, or better with the help of a specialist, should draw up her own training schedule. On average, it would be nice to devote to fitness about an hour a day in a gentle mode and two or three times a week for two hours. So, it seems, there can be no doubts about the advisability of doing fitness during pregnancy. And of course, you should not stop doing fitness after the birth of a child. However, once you have tried it, you are unlikely to deny yourself the pleasure of doing this all the time.