Dos And Don'ts In Late Pregnancy

Dos And Don'ts In Late Pregnancy
Dos And Don'ts In Late Pregnancy

Throughout the entire time of carrying a child, a woman should be very sensitive to her health, follow all the doctor's recommendations, so as not to harm the unborn child and not provoke any complications for herself. Late pregnancy is a crucial period when certain things cannot be done. What are the important prohibitions for a woman who is about to become a mother?

Dos and Don'ts in Late Pregnancy
Dos and Don'ts in Late Pregnancy

First, in the third trimester of pregnancy, doctors do not recommend that women sleep on their right side. The ban looks strange, but in the course of numerous studies it was revealed that with such a position of the body of a pregnant woman, the risk of dying a child even before childbirth sharply increases. A similar risk is associated with the peculiarities of the position of the baby in the womb, with the movements that the child makes. In addition, sleeping on your right side in late pregnancy can have the same impact as the habit of sleeping on your back for a long time. In such positions, blood circulation worsens, there may be more pressure on the internal organs of the expectant mother.

Secondly, it is important to adjust your diet. In late pregnancy, you should not consume coffee, black tea, green tea, or alcohol. You should eat less sweets and spicy foods. Harmful food is prohibited in the same way as throughout the entire period of gestation.

Thirdly, the future mom is advised to refrain from flying. In late pregnancy, a sharp drop in atmospheric pressure is very dangerous. This has a certain effect on the uterus, increases the tone and can provoke premature birth.

Fourthly, a woman who is preparing to become a mother should, in principle, refuse to travel and change climatic conditions when the gestation period is already very long. Changes in the weather, prolonged stay in a car or train, where conditions are not the most comfortable and pleasant for pregnant women, cause severe stress. This can negatively affect your well-being.

Fifth, in the late stages of pregnancy, you can not actively play sports, jump on a trampoline, ride a bicycle, lift weights. All this can provoke premature birth.

Sixth, it is not recommended to use drugs in the third trimester of pregnancy. Especially it is necessary to abandon creams and ointments for external use, which contain such a component as diclofenac. This anti-inflammatory component negatively affects the amount of substances in the body of a pregnant woman, which are responsible for starting labor. As a result, the lack of substances can lead to difficult and long childbirth, which can be delayed indefinitely.

Seventh, you should not be in a hot bath for a long time, visit saunas and baths. Steam and exposure to hot water can dramatically increase pressure, cause respiratory depression in the mother, and generally provoke a deterioration in well-being.

Eighth, in late pregnancy, you should not cross your legs and sit in this position for a long time, and you should also not raise your arms often. In the first case, the prohibition arises because with a similar position of the body of a pregnant woman, the amount of blood that goes to the baby decreases. Hands raised up can provoke an increased tone of the uterus, which will lead to contractions and premature birth of a child.

Additionally, it should not be in the third trimester of pregnancy:

  1. wear tight, tight, tight clothing;
  2. play various active games and, in principle, move a lot, make any fast or abrupt movements;
  3. eat canned foods, they can cause edema;
  4. engage in artificial stimulation to quickly give birth; sex in late pregnancy is also not desirable, however, it is recommended to consult a doctor separately about intimacy in each individual case;
  5. smoke, inhale smoke, both tobacco and that which comes from incense sticks / incense;
  6. wear high-heeled shoes;
  7. dye your hair with chemical dyes;
  8. too much and often to eat.
