How the fetus develops in the sixth week of pregnancy, the woman's condition and recommendations

The kid continues to develop rapidly. At week 6, a number of important events occur, associated with many organs and systems.
Fetal development
The fruit is only 4-9 mm long and weighs about 0.9-1.3 g. The heart of the fetus has already begun to beat. In the sixth week of pregnancy, the neural tube is completely closed, from the thickened part of which the brain and cranium are formed. The division of nerve cells begins. The embryo's tail lengthens and disappears. The intestinal tube serves as the beginning of the formation of the intestines, digestive, excretory and respiratory systems.
Many internal organs continue to form and develop. The thymus gland is also formed, which is responsible for the human immune system. Cartilage tissue, muscles, tendons, bones, chest develops. Widely set eye rudiments approach each other. They look huge compared to other organs.
The mouth, nose, ears are already noticeable, the rudiments of milk teeth are formed. You can already make out the limbs to see through the limbs. The placenta develops very quickly and the amount of amniotic fluid increases. The fetus begins to move freely in them thanks to the umbilical cord, but the pregnant woman does not yet feel this.
Woman's condition at 6 weeks of gestation
During this period, early toxicosis may increase, susceptibility to odors appears, salivation increases, irritability and fatigue increase, the areola circles become darker. Although the fetus has increased, external changes in the woman's figure may not appear, although some weight gain or loss is possible.
A pregnant woman at this stage has increased fatigue, inattention, drowsiness. Changes in hormonal levels can cause dizziness and even fainting, as well as increased sebum production, often leading to acne. Digestive problems such as heartburn, bloating, constipation, and intestinal cramps can also occur.
If there are aching and pulling abdominal pains, doctors can diagnose a threat of miscarriage. Sometimes pain in the abdomen and lower back appears due to the gradual stretching of the ligaments of the uterus. But only a doctor can determine the exact cause of pain. Bloody discharge may indicate the onset of a miscarriage, and in order to save the life of the fetus, you must immediately consult a doctor.
Recommendations at 6 weeks gestation
During this period, a woman becomes registered in the antenatal clinic. Do not be late with a visit to the gynecologist. At this time, blood and urine tests should be taken, which determine the course of pregnancy. The doctor can send a woman for an ultrasound scan. During an ultrasound, pregnancy is confirmed, multiple pregnancies are determined, and the fetal heart rate is monitored.
Medication and stress should be excluded. It is necessary to eat regularly and fully, rest more. You need to continue taking vitamins, especially folic acid. You should also try to eat foods that contain calcium. And it's better to give up unhealthy foods altogether. Weigh yourself regularly and measure your pressure. High blood pressure requires observation. You need to learn how to calm down and relax.