Wives are different. There is an eastern and modern classification of wives. Perhaps, in one of the types listed below, you will guess your traits and you will like it, or maybe you urgently want to change something in yourself.

Step 1
Classifications of wives in the East
Ruler wife
This woman, as a rule, does not like to work, she spends most of the time loafing, and her best friend is “lazy”. Loves to eat. She is very demanding of her husband. She believes that everyone owes her. He does not want to bring anything new to the family, he lives, walking along the beaten path of her husband.
Robber wife
Such a woman is useless in everything - in the household, in trade, but, nevertheless, with all her behavior she shows that she is the owner of her husband's property. If a man still has not surrendered and resists this, sooner or later such a wife will get him to recognize her supremacy.
Murderer wife
This woman does not have much love, respect and kindness towards her husband. At every opportunity, such a wife clings to the man's mistakes. And behind the eyes, she makes fun of his shortcomings in front of her girlfriends.
Mother wife
The same woman shows excessive concern for her husband. The motto of such a wife is: "Men are like children."
Sister wife
In such a relationship, mutual understanding and mutual respect reign, but it is all very reminiscent of the relationship between an older brother and sister.
Close friend wife
This woman behaves like a friend whom the man has not seen for a long time. She rejoices at every appearance of her husband, she is faithful to her husband both in body and spirit.
Servant wife
Such a woman always obeys her husband, never gets angry, even when she is offended. She is always calm, and in order to piss her off, you have to try very hard.
Step 2
Classification of modern wives
Workaholic wife
This woman always and everywhere thinks about work, at home you can meet her at the computer monitor, or talking on the phone. The feeling that she is always tense, and complex and stormy processes are taking place in her head, her thoughts are always at work. Such a wife, most likely, needs the same workaholic husband, or a complete indifference.
Hostess wife
Such a wife's husband is always well-fed, clean and well-groomed. She is ready to wash, iron, cook, sew around the clock. But as for intimate life, not everything is smooth here, such a woman has different priorities, she has no time for sex. Preference is given to clean dishes, starched towels, a toilet bowl rubbed to a shine, rather than hugs, kisses and bed passions. Unfortunately, most often in a family with such a wife, men like to walk to the left. A well-fed husband is wonderful, but the guarantee of family happiness is a well-fed and satisfied husband. So dear ladies-hostesses, urgently change your priorities!
Mommy wife
Gentle, loyal, loyal and overly caring. The relationship with the husband is more like the relationship between mom and son. Constant "lisping", indulging every desire of the "husband-son", everyday reports of the husband, about how and where he ate, whether he ate at all. There is a huge risk here that, in the end, the husband of his mother-wife will turn into a capricious, infantile, unadapted boy. Do you need it?
Suffering wife
Unhappy in everything and everywhere. It seems to her that her husband does not love her enough or does not love her at all, the children do not know how to behave and generally disappoint her all the time, they do not appreciate and ignore her at work, friends do not want to understand at all, the apartment is not big enough, and the ring on her hand is not like that, as she wanted. In general, everything is bad, and even worse ahead. The husband of such a wife, if he still has not left, can put up a monument for patience.
Mistress wife
Such a wife is ready to spend 24 days in bed for amorous pleasures. Maybe not eat, not sleep, just give her sex. In the household, such a wife is not particularly prominent. Husbands love such wives, but most often the first two days. And then it becomes hard for them, they want to watch TV, yes, in the end, just talk.
Wife is a sweet child
This wife, raised in greenhouse conditions, is protected by her parents. In her youth, she read love stories and poems by Anna Akhmatova. As a result, a woman turned out to be completely not adapted to adult life, naive, completely and completely dependent on what her husband decides and how.
Saw wife, saw-2 (critic)
Poor husband, because a wife of this type nags her husband around the clock, and not always out of necessity. She is 100 percent sure that all her teachings are only for the benefit of their family. The critic is an improved model of the saw wife. The life of a critic is filled with the fact that she constantly nags her husband, lectures him, controls and looks for flaws.
The princess's wife is demanding
This is a blue-blooded woman. She did a huge favor to get married, and she reminds of this at every opportunity. Capricious, demanding and wasteful.
Step 3
Did you manage to see yourself? In fact, there are few pure types in nature; we all have a little bit of everything. I would like to hope that we are all exemplary girls who know everything in moderation. After all, I really want to break the stereotype that there are very few good wives, and if there are, they usually belong to a neighbor. So you want that when your husband is asked: "What kind of wives are there?", He answered with great pleasure: "Good, like mine."