The Basics Of Nutrition For The Expectant Mother

The Basics Of Nutrition For The Expectant Mother
The Basics Of Nutrition For The Expectant Mother

During pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to pay close attention to her diet. Nutrition should be balanced and complete, because the well-being of the woman and the health of the baby depend on it.

The basics of nutrition for the expectant mother
The basics of nutrition for the expectant mother

One of the main mistakes is “eating for two”. Focus on your appetite, "pre-pregnant" weight, doctor's recommendations and common sense. Excess weight is dangerous for the health of the child and the body of the expectant mother. The development of gestosis, a large fetus (the risk of injury during childbirth increases), and a decrease in tissue elasticity are the main consequences of “eating for two”. But you also don't need to starve, fearing to gain a little extra weight. Stick to the "golden mean", because malnutrition can deprive the fetus of essential nutrients, which will negatively affect its development.

The diet of the expectant mother should be rich in vitamins and minerals. Give preference to natural products: fruits, vegetables, herbs, dairy products, lean meats. Dried fruits are very useful: prunes, dried apricots, raisins, figs. Eliminate sauces, convenience foods, fast food, liquor, and canned food.

Proper nutrition will help prevent the occurrence of various complications and will maximally alleviate the manifestations of toxicosis and other temporary ailments.

With toxicosis, eat more often, in small portions 5-6 times a day, and it is better to snack on sweet and sour fruits. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, as dehydration only makes your nausea worse.

Try not to keep your stomach empty for a long time, otherwise your blood sugar levels will drop, which can also cause nausea. Carry crackers or nuts for snacks with you.

Pregnant women often suffer from heartburn. Drink jelly, it envelops the walls of the stomach and makes you feel better. Exclude from the menu all sour vegetables and fruits, coffee, soda, fried and pickled foods, and dairy products, except for hard cheese. For heartburn, do not give up fruits and vegetables, just eat them baked or boiled.

Iron deficiency can cause anemia in a pregnant woman. Introduce carrots, beef, beets, buckwheat, bananas, apples and blueberries into your daily diet.

In the last trimester, the liver and kidneys of the expectant mother are under great stress, so limit the consumption of fatty foods, sugar and confectionery.

In the absence of contraindications, and if the pregnancy passes without any special complications, the expectant mother can eat any food in a reasonable amount. The main taboo is alcohol, do not risk your baby's health in vain.
