Many mothers think about what can and cannot be eaten while breastfeeding. Through the mother's milk, everything that the mother ate the day before is transmitted to the baby. The mood and health of the baby depends on the mother's nutrition.

Step 1
In order for the baby to be in a good mood, mothers need to follow a diet. The diet of a nursing mom must necessarily contain lean meat. Lean meats include beef, veal, chicken and turkey. It is best to boil the meat, not fry it, as the baby can get colic from fried meat.
Step 2
A breastfeeding mom's menu should also contain protein-rich foods such as fish, eggs and dairy products. In addition, fish contains a very important vitamin D. Fish is also better to choose low-fat varieties - hake, pollock, pike perch, etc. It should also be eaten boiled.
Step 3
Dairy products are very important for a proper mom's menu. Dairy products are high in calcium. Calcium is very beneficial for the bone and cardiovascular systems. The use of fermented milk products will be very useful. They improve bowel function.
Step 4
The presence of fruits and vegetables is mandatory in the mother's diet. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamins necessary for mom and baby. Fruits and vegetables also contain fiber, which is essential for improving digestion.