Is It Right To Take A Temporary Break In A Relationship?

Is It Right To Take A Temporary Break In A Relationship?
Is It Right To Take A Temporary Break In A Relationship?

When, in addition to quarrels, swearing, scandals, there are no infusions into relationships, then you involuntarily have to think about whether you love your soul mate, whether you still exist as a couple. It is for such thoughts that you should take a short break, temporarily resting from each other.

Is it right to take a temporary break in a relationship?
Is it right to take a temporary break in a relationship?

Positive aspects of a temporary breakup

The undoubted advantage of time-out is freedom. When a relationship is of a long-term nature, almost all facets are erased. This applies to personal space: the ability to manage your time as you like, lack of control and excessive pressure.

Scandals distort the vision of reality, and sometimes it seems that love is gone. It is a break in communication that will give your relationship objectivity: you can understand where and at what point you made mistakes, why everything did not go as both planned.

During this period, you will be able to find yourself, deal with your desires and capabilities of a partner, understand how radically and how the current relationship has changed you.

Sometimes, resting in a relationship gives you a chance to refresh your senses. Everyday life still seizes, emotions begin to fade, and at a distance they become aggravated. Thus, you can try to return passion and ardor to a calm and measured life.

Or, on the contrary, a voluntary break will put everything in its place: you will understand that the relationship has lost all meaning, and you lived by inertia, harassing and torturing each other, not wanting to change anything in your life.

The end of the relationship does not mean that you broke up forever. From this break, feelings can grow stronger, and if this does not happen, then do not delay with the inevitable and, if possible, keep a warm relationship.

What is the danger of temporary rest in a relationship?

As a rule, couples part for a while to sort out the problems and troubles that arise in the daily life of lovers. The main goal is to converge in the future, taking into account the negative experience of past omissions.

But on this difficult start there are pitfalls and traps.

Temporary loneliness helps you remember how delightful it is to live on your own, without needing strangers. It is important in such a situation that the partner correctly prioritizes - he understands what you need and returns to the love nest.

The big problem is sex, or rather its absence. Intimate pleasures play an important role in a full-fledged relationship. The lack of constant sex causes a kind of physical breakdown, which everyone seeks to alleviate in their own way. This can be active contact sports (boxing, martial arts), meditation, or, as in the famous film "The Taming of the Shrew," chopping wood to the point of feeling tired in every muscle. But some take the path of least resistance - they are seduced by a new object of attention. Treason threatens a complete rupture with no chance of restoring the status quo.
