Napoleon Bonaparte became famous for his military exploits and incredible ambitions. Surely the emperor would be surprised if he found out that today his name is most often heard at the mention of confectionery and a psychological complex that haunts undersized people.

What is the Napoleon complex?
Why exactly is Napoleon related to this inferiority complex? The fact is that he himself could not boast of being very tall (only 1.51 m), so in many paintings he was depicted on a horse so that this shortcoming would not be conspicuous. Nevertheless, the diminutiveness of the forms did not in any way affect Bonaparte's purposefulness and did not undermine his faith in himself.
Currently, modern psychologists consider the Napoleon complex as the desire of undersized people to achieve fame, career growth, success, material well-being, and so on.
For the first time this psychological deviation was mentioned in his writings by the Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler. He described the incredible desire for enrichment and self-realization in one of his short patients. He called this phenomenon "Napoleon's complex".
Now the people call the Napoleon complex also the "short man's syndrome" or "the little man's complex." The meaning in all cases is the same - because of their small stature, people feel flawed, so they try to do everything possible to prove to others that they are also capable of something.
How does the Napoleon complex manifest itself in men and women?
Among representatives of different sexes, the Napoleon complex has different manifestations. Stunted men from an early age, most often from adolescence, behave aggressively towards others. Sometimes this behavior can be caused by discrimination from peers or the refusal of a lover.
Unlike the rest of the strong half of humanity, "short men" are almost always sure that all their problems are due to low growth. In addition, some scientists have hypothesized that short men are much more jealous.
Oddly enough, most often "little men" choose tall women as companions. In some cases, they reciprocate. In addition, it is believed that they are more active in intimate terms due to the high content of hormones in their blood.
"Little women", in turn, are fighting for their independence in every possible way and do not allow men to protect and care for them.
Such young ladies are supposedly trying to "compensate for the missing centimeters" due to great ambitions, desire to occupy leadership positions and leading positions. In the course of their career development, they behave aggressively and violently.
The most famous representatives of the fair sex, suffering from the Napoleon complex, can be called: Edith Piaf (1.47 m), Queen Victoria (1.52 m), Eva Longoria (1.55 m) and many others.