During adolescence, girls are especially prone to self-criticism, complexes about their appearance appear. How can I help my child?

Step 1
Always help your teen to see himself from the other side. Talk about his attractiveness, focusing on the virtues of his appearance, as well as internal qualities that are important. Many famous women, conquering men, were famous not for their beauty, but for their charm and intelligence.
Step 2
Then make sure that the teenager's daily life is sufficiently loaded with useful activities, school, household chores, extracurricular activities, personal interests. Let the child's head and schedule be filled with useful interesting things, there is no time for self-criticism and vegetation near the mirror in search of his shortcomings.
Step 3
From an early age, modern television and the Internet form in children a vision of the ideal beauty of a woman's body and face. Watching films, flipping advertisements, flipping through magazines, draw the girls' attention to the colossal work of stylists, makeup artist, fashion designers, as well as photographers and directors who know how to skillfully hide the shortcomings of models and actresses. Perfect looks on screen and in magazines cannot be natural. Famous beauties without makeup and pretty clothes are not all that attractive.
Step 4
Never make comments about your appearance, familiar relatives, or just passers-by. Try to highlight the personal qualities of a person who is not very attractive in appearance. Imperceptibly point out his advantages, which outweigh his beautiful appearance.
Step 5
Teach your girl to appreciate natural beauty. Layers of makeup will not save you from excess weight and a problem figure. Therefore, encourage your teen to do fitness, dance, and other active activities. So it will be easier for the girl to get closer to her ideal, to feel more confident.
Step 6
Pay attention to the girl's wardrobe, things should be well chosen, stand out in taste and style. If you do not have a good enough taste, ask the fashionistas you know to pick things up for your girl.
Step 7
A teenage girl should have specially selected cosmetics for skin care, you can also buy decorative cosmetics, but designed for young skin, it has a light texture and shades, preferably light and natural. Having all the attributes of caring for her appearance, the girl will be happy to perform daily procedures and enjoy the results.