In business, and in personal relationships, it is very important to be able to listen and correctly understand your interlocutor or opponent. Unfortunately, we do not always know how to do this, as a result of which misunderstandings and resentments arise.

Step 1
To master the ability to listen to your interlocutor, constantly develop him in yourself. When in a public place, in a state of "loneliness in the crowd", listen to what people are talking about, analyze their conversations and draw conclusions.
Step 2
You must understand that it is you who, first of all, need to listen and understand the interlocutor. Firstly, in a conversation, a person is revealed more fully, you get to know him better. Secondly, the fact that you are listening to him puts you in a more honest conversation, because by doing so you demonstrate your respectful attitude. Thirdly, in a conversation, you can understand how the person relates to you. Listen and draw your own conclusions.
Step 3
Control yourself on the continuation of the entire conversation with the interlocutor; as soon as you lose the thread and stop grasping the meaning, focus and concentrate. You can only ask clarifying questions, formulating them sequentially, based on the answers received. After he has spoken, briefly summarize your presentation of his speech to the other person to make sure that you understand him exactly the way he wanted.
Step 4
During the conversation, try to establish visual contact with the interlocutor, who may be interrupted to make the necessary notes in a notebook. Do not move your eyes around the room, do not be distracted by your mobile phone, do not flip through the organizer - let him understand that you are listening to him carefully, nod and comment on what you hear in monosyllables so that a lengthy comment does not lead him away from the main topic.
Step 5
Do not end phrases for your opponent, even if your option seems the most logical to you. Even after a slight hitch, the interlocutor will do it himself. In this case, you will be sure that he said exactly what he wanted.
Step 6
Do not start thinking about your answer before the interlocutor has finished his speech, at this moment, due to your inattention, you may miss something important that you wanted to convey to you.