Self-esteem in no small measure influences how an individual's life will turn out. It can be underestimated, overestimated and adequate, depending on how a person perceives himself.

A person's self-esteem reflects his attitude towards himself. It shows how he sees himself, how much he believes in his own strength and whether he trusts himself. Self-esteem is formed taking into account the expectations of the individual. By its level, one can judge whether a person believes that he is worthy of much, or does not count on practically anything in life.
Low self-esteem
Low self-esteem can prevent an individual from reaching any heights in life. Such a person limits himself in goals and desires, doubts his own strengths and is generally distinguished by pessimism and indecision.
People with low self-esteem do not appreciate their achievements. They tend to put someone else's opinion above their own. Such individuals are characterized by excessive modesty, perhaps even shyness.
A person who doubts himself may experience constant anxiety about his own future. In this case, insecurity manifests itself both at work and in relationships. For example, it happens that in the service an individual does not dare to go for a promotion and constantly expects a catch from his superiors. In his personal life, such a person can be consumed by jealousy and suspicion.
Even if successful, a person whose self-esteem is greatly underestimated explains his victories by a fortunate coincidence. When you compliment such an individual, you will hear not gratitude, but excuse.
Heightened self-esteem
A person whose self-esteem is overestimated exaggerates his own importance. It is difficult to work with such an individual in a team, because he inflates his even small contribution to the common cause to enormous proportions. He tends to underestimate the work of other team members.
It happens that an individual with an overestimated self-esteem overestimates his capabilities and takes on an impossible task. In case of failure, he does not analyze his behavior, but attributes everything to circumstances.
Such a person responds inadequately to criticism, even constructive one. He does not recognize other people's opinions and does not like it when someone gives him advice.
Adequate self-esteem
A person who values himself according to his dignity and objectively perceives himself is able to live in harmony with himself and the world and at the same time achieve a lot. Such an individual does not feel illusions about his power, but he also does not underestimate his capabilities.
This approach to yourself is the most optimal. In this case, a person can decide on something significant, but before that he carefully thinks over his actions.
An individual with normal self-esteem is easier to communicate with others. He is in harmony with other people, takes into account their opinions, but does not put them above his own. Such a person is not distinguished by suspiciousness and suspicion, does not think out for others and does not wind himself up. At the same time, he does not give in to various kinds of provocations.