It is very difficult to find true love these days. But in fact, it is much more difficult, having found this very love, to preserve and preserve it. Very often, after living a lot of time together, people break up. Parting is the separation of loved ones at the initiative of one or both parties. At this time, a person begins to feel sadness, guilt, love and other vivid emotions.

Learn to forgive, avoid unpleasant topics, and always make time for your loved one
Step 1
Try not to allow communication between you to stop. This is the surest sign that the relationship between you is cracking. Learn to hear and listen to each other.
Step 2
Do not forget that each of you should have personal space. Sometimes there comes a time when a person wants to be alone. To do this, it is worth at least one evening to be apart and not be offended by your soul mate.
Step 3
Take a break from time to time. Attend various events, parties and have fun with your friends.
Step 4
Don't take everything too seriously. Try to keep things simple in your relationship. Be positive about everything that happens. Cultivate a sense of humor, it will become much easier for you to live with.
Step 5
Always be cheerful and in a good mood. Joke, indulge in various pranks. Remember that humor must have a place in your relationship, it makes them less stressful. Then life becomes more interesting.
Step 6
Try to avoid unpleasant topics of conversation on which your views very often do not coincide. Such conversations can lead to arguments, which in turn escalate into a quarrel.
Step 7
It is not worth proving your opinion. Don't forget that a big fight comes from a small comment.
Step 8
Learn to forgive one another. Let's take a chance to fix various bugs. Very often both are to blame for a conflict.
Step 9
Set aside time for the two of you. Sometimes it's very helpful to be together. Do not forget about tenderness and affection. Make it clear to your loved one that you love him and want to take care of him. Arrange surprises for each other for no particular reason.
Step 10
Add variety to your daily life. Change old traditions for some new good family habits.