The riddle is one of the oldest forms of oral folk art, contributing to the development of logical thinking in children. Also, the use of riddles during the game helps to improve the child's memory and activates interest in the native language.

Interesting riddles for the development of logic in children
Folklore has left a great legacy for the Russian language - mysteries. In modern speech therapy, they are often used in the classroom to eliminate speech disorders and activate verbal-logical thinking. Riddles help to master the basic techniques of logical thinking, that is, the child begins to learn to form a concept, analyze, compare, classify and generalize. Parents can independently introduce games with riddles into the upbringing process, but this requires certain knowledge of the structure of the child's psyche and thinking. Depending on the age of the child, you can offer him different types of logic puzzles.
Logic riddles for young children
A child 3-4 years old is already able to solve simple riddles, since he has ideas about the taste, color, size of objects. The vocabulary of young children usually includes a significant number of adjectives and verbs. It is better to introduce the kid to riddles in a playful way when you are on the street or at home. The content of the riddle should be as simple as possible, describe the familiar surrounding objects. Divide the puzzles into categories: flowers, fruits, birds, insects, animals, clothes, toys, etc. Then only your imagination works. For example, “buzzes and bites painfully (wasp)”, “yellow center and white petals (chamomile)”, “knocks on wood and lives in the forest (woodpecker)”, “round and jumps high (ball)”, etc. Similar riddles-descriptions will help the child learn to listen and grammatically correct speech. Subsequently, you can move on to more complex riddles.
Logic riddles for middle-aged children
At the age of 5-6 years, the child actively develops phonemic hearing, that is, the ability to divide a word into syllables appears, to select words that are similar in phonetic composition into groups, and to choose the right rhyme. Therefore, it is better to offer riddles that involve finding a rhyme as a clue. First, you should try to play rhyme games with your child or describe the object on the basis of which the riddle is built. Here are some examples of rhyming riddles: “What a creak? What a crunch? What is this bush? How can I be without crunch if I … (cabbage) "; “In winter, there are apples on the branches. Hurry up to collect them! And suddenly the apples fluttered, After all, this is … (bullfinches) "; “This beast is from the forest, in a gray fur coat. Click your teeth! So this is … (wolf) "; “Transparent wings, big eyes. The tail is long. She … (dragonfly) "and others.
Logic riddles for older children
Older children are offered riddles that are based on a full comparison and comparison. This will facilitate the search for common and different signs between objects. However, at 6-7 years old, it is still difficult for a child to draw complex analogies. It is imperative to take into account the individual psychological abilities and capabilities of children. If you cannot find a riddle yourself, refer to the numerous collections on this topic. For example, "1000 riddles" by the authors N. V. Elkina, T. I. Tarabarina. Riddles of a more difficult level will help prepare your child, including for school.