Who Is Wolf Messing

Who Is Wolf Messing
Who Is Wolf Messing

The personality of Wolf Messing is fanned by a mass of rumors, conjectures, myths. And the opinions of ordinary people and specialists about him are very contradictory. Someone sees in him a real magician, soothsayer, clairvoyant. Others are more modest in their assessments, considering him only a skillful illusionist and a good psychologist. There are also clear skeptics trying to accuse the medium of fraud.

Who is Wolf Messing
Who is Wolf Messing

From Warsaw to Moscow via Berlin

Wolf Messing comes from a small town near Warsaw. Unusual abilities manifested themselves in childhood. Later, in many of his biographical descriptions, an episode appeared when 4-year-old Wolf on the train, instead of a ticket, presented a wrapper to the conductor, instilling in him the necessary thoughts. Whether it really was so, no one will say. But another story, already with 18-year-old Messing, has been confirmed by many witnesses. Then he helped Count Chertorysky to find the thief of his jewelry.

In the early 30s, Messing toured Germany with psychological experiences. And in 1937 he made one of his most famous predictions: if Germany attacks the USSR, fascism will be destroyed. After that, the soothsayer became Hitler's main enemy, was forced to flee, first to his native Poland, and then to the USSR. By the way, he escaped from under arrest, in some absolutely unthinkable way deceiving the guards.

State affairs and help to people

In Russia, Wolf Grigorievich lived a long, eventful life until 1974. People who knew him closely later recalled that he knew exactly the date of his departure - he was not mistaken in this forecast. He also named the day of Stalin's death at the very beginning of the fateful 1953, when nothing had yet foreshadowed such an outcome.

But he saved the son of the leader Vasily in January 50 from death: he strongly recommended not to fly by plane to a hockey match with the Air Force team. The hockey players and the crew were killed, Vasily survived, getting to the meeting point by train.

Messing's work with scouts during the war is also reliably known. While in evacuation in Novosibirsk, he taught them the secret methods of the East and methods, in modern terms, neurolinguistic programming.

Then he toured the country and the world again. They claim that in London he put to sleep all those who came to him for a hypnosis session. Showed the experiences of reading minds. If those sitting in the hall suspected some tricks, then Einstein and Freud, with whom Wolf Grigorievich spoke in pre-war Berlin, did not suspect any tricks. On the contrary, they were quite impressed by his abilities.

Questions remain

There are also known more amazing experiments of Messing on instilling certain orders in dogs, moreover, through a wall without direct contact. He treated alcoholics, and in the end he "contracted" an aversion to alcohol. Helped the police in search of missing people and valuable documents. Worked in the literal sense of the word for wear and tear.

Answering numerous questions about his incredible intuition, Volf Grigorievich said that everyone has a certain percentage of it, just a very powerful organization was given to him by nature.