Calcium is a trace mineral that is important for the health of the skeleton and teeth. It is also responsible for neuromuscular conduction and blood clotting. For a child, the daily calcium intake is 600-900 mg. How to take calcium for children?

Step 1
The easiest and most affordable way to make up for the lack of calcium is to take vitamins that contain the required daily intake of a trace element. However, you should know that in combination with iron or vitamin D, calcium is absorbed much better, while magnesium reduces the content of this trace element in the body. Certain foods can also interfere with calcium absorption, such as whole grain bran, which contains phytic acid. It, by binding with calcium, forms a calcium salt, which is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Sorrel and aspirin do not contribute to the absorption of calcium. The connections they make can lead to kidney stones.
Step 2
Children should be given vitamins after meals. The required dose is usually prescribed by a doctor or you can determine it yourself by carefully reading the instructions. Vitamins with calcium should be taken up to 25 years old, while bone mass is growing. Symptoms of a lack of this trace element in the body are hyperactivity, nervousness, tooth decay, brittle nails, poor sleep, numbness or tingling in the extremities, and growth retardation. An excess of calcium can be determined if the child has a loss of appetite and muscle weakness, imbalance when walking, dumbness, irritability.
Step 3
In addition to vitamins, sources of calcium can be nettle, sesame, plantain, sardines in oil, almonds, hazelnuts, watercress, spinach, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, soy, beans, dairy and some other products.
Step 4
It has been proven that chicken egg shell powder is very effective in replenishing the lack of calcium in the body. The chemical composition of the shell almost completely coincides with the composition of the teeth and bones. To prepare the powder, fresh eggs should be washed well with soap and rinsed. The shell must be cleaned of the inner film and dried. To prepare the powder for a small child, you can boil it for 5 minutes. Grind the shells in a coffee grinder and give the child with a morning meal - with porridge or cottage cheese, after extinguishing with a few drops of lemon juice. Eggshell powder can be given to children over 1 year old.