The process of depriving parents of their rights to a child can be delayed for long periods. One of the features of this procedure is the participation in ship activities of the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

Step 1
When performing such a procedure as deprivation of parental rights, the trustee draws up an opinion, which is sent to the court. The application examines the advisability of depriving the father, mother or both parents of the rights to the child. Only the court has the right to make the final decision. The result is made after considering an application from one of the persons provided for by law, which can be either a guardianship authority or one of the parents. In addition, not only the guardianship authorities, but also the prosecutor's office, any educational institution, the child's guardian and the child himself can apply to deprive parents of their rights to a child.
Step 2
There is a special list of documents that are required to deprive parents of their rights to a child. This list includes a passport (if any) or a child's birth certificate, a marriage certificate, a ninth form certificate (child registration certificate), a seventh form certificate containing the characteristics of the room where the child lives, title papers of the existing property (land plot, house, any territory), documents containing information about the living conditions in which the child lives.
Step 3
It is quite difficult and practically impossible to deprive a person of parental rights on his own; there must be very strong reasons for this. You simply cannot do without a professional lawyer who will provide a range of his services. The process of deprivation of parental rights itself consists of four stages: filing an application for deprivation of parental rights in guardianship or in the guardianship authorities; consideration by the guardianship authorities of the application and obtaining their withdrawal for participation in court hearings; if the guardianship authorities approve the application for the deprivation of the rights to the child of one of the parents, a statement of claim is drawn up for the deprivation of the rights to the child, and then the final stage occurs - the court submits conclusions about the participation in meetings on the deprivation of the parents of the rights to the child.
Step 4
There are some reasons that can lead to deprivation of parental rights. These include the evasion of either parent from their parental responsibilities. In addition, the implementation of such a procedure is possible when parents are not involved in the physical and spiritual education of their children, do not prepare the child for an independent life, do not provide in terms of nutrition and personal care, when the child is without medical care, the parents do not show interest in the inner the world of their child, do not create suitable conditions for living and learning, or leave children in the maternity hospital.