Teething is a long-awaited and rather difficult period in the life of a baby and his loved ones. New parents have a lot of questions related to the timing and signs of the appearance of milk teeth. This lengthy process can be roughly divided into several stages.

Step 1
Most often, the first teeth erupt at 6-7 months (usually these are the lower central incisors). At 8-9 months, children develop upper central incisors. Then the upper (9-11 months) and lower (11-13 months) lateral incisors. Thus, a one-year-old baby is usually the lucky owner of 8 teeth.
Step 2
After a year, the upper and lower so-called first molars (12-15 months), canines (18-20 months) and second molars (root) erupt, which appear between 20 and 30 months. However, the teeth do not necessarily grow in full accordance with the specified time. The pairing of their appearance is not always observed. A two-month delay is considered quite normal, but it should not be left without medical attention. Since delayed eruption can signal rickets or other metabolic disorders.
Step 3
The very process of the appearance of milk teeth in children is often accompanied by increased irritability and tearfulness. Often the crumbs have a desire to bite hard objects. You can offer your baby special silicone teethers, which are sold in pharmacies. Place it in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes and give it to your child. The cool material will relieve itchy gums and help you forget about pain. At the same time, toys filled with liquid are not the best option, since they are easy to bite through.
Step 4
If teeth erupt with profuse drooling, wipe the baby's face with clean cotton or wet wipes. This will help prevent skin irritation.
Step 5
Sometimes the process of the appearance of the first teeth is accompanied by an upset stool and an increase in body temperature in a baby. In this case, the first-aid kit should always have proven antipyretic and antidiarrheal agents. If the stool and temperature do not return to normal for more than two days, be sure to consult a pediatrician.