There are more subjects at school. The volume of homework is increasing, and the child is still writing slowly. Accordingly, he finishes doing his homework only late at night. This can become a real problem for both the student and his parents. How to deal with this and teach your child to write faster?

- - pens;
- - colour pencils;
- - paper;
Step 1
Create games that will help you motivate your child to write faster. For example, arrange a small competition - who will write the names of all members of your family, the name of your city, the last name, first name and patronymic of the child's class teacher faster? Such competitions, if they become a daily practice, will help your little one to write faster. Change tasks every time. Ask him to come up with words for the competition. You can use synonyms and antonyms.
Step 2
Send your child to a music school or study music with him on your own. Playing the instrument promotes the development of finger motor skills. Playing the piano or any stringed instrument will do.
Step 3
Give your child a hand massage - stretch your hands and fingers. Use the exercises that musicians use to warm up before playing. For example, the exercise "stretching" - the palms are folded together, the fingers of the right hand press on the fingers of the left, "swinging" movements and vice versa.
Step 4
Before your child starts school, you can start practicing quick writing. For example, while drawing. Here it is important to instill the very skill of quickly controlling a pen or pencil. Start with the simplest shapes. Ask your child to draw seven dots, seven squares, seven triangles at speed, making sure that he draws all the figures as evenly and correctly as possible, then avoid the negligence that can appear when completing the task quickly. You can use a metronome for this exercise. For each beat, the child must draw a figure, gradually increase the pace.
Step 5
Take your time to accuse your child of being slow. Perhaps he is in no hurry, because he is upset by the ugly letters that are obtained with a quick letter. On the contrary, encourage him to write beautifully, but start doing the acceleration exercises.