It often happens that after the birth of a child, there is little time left for its development. In such cases, parents often believe that the baby will gradually learn everything himself, and reduce to a minimum attempts to deal with him in any way. To avoid such a fate, the child must be introduced to the world around him and knowledge, starting from a very early age.

Step 1
Questions are pouring out of your child in a continuous stream, and you do not have time to answer them? If you want to achieve a positive result, then in no case ignore the child's questions, be sure to answer all his questions without anger and irritation.
Step 2
Remember that by completing tasks with your child, you help him form a holistic picture of the world. And if you cannot answer the question, then it is best to stock up on dictionaries and encyclopedias.
Step 3
Children should not be taught counting and oral reading earlier than from the age of a couple of years. It is at this time that irrepressible curiosity arises in the child. So you can use this incentive for a deeper knowledge of the world, and gently and unobtrusively prepare it for school.
Step 4
The assortment of goods provided by the stores offers us a large number of educational books and games. But try not to get too carried away with them. The child needs a break from so much incoming information. By following these tips, you can not only develop the mental abilities of your child, but also teach him various useful skills.
Step 5
Here are games and exercises that are aimed at developing thinking, coherent speech, enriching the lexical vocabulary of preschoolers: "Drawing". Draw with your child as often as possible. Teach him to draw a little man, a house, a train, a typewriter, etc. "Modeling". Tear off a piece of plasticine and show your child how to make a stick, circle, ball, etc. from it. Try to instill in your child an interest in modeling, as this is very important for his development. Game "Hide the balls." Place three containers of different sizes with lids on the table and put three balls of different sizes. Then ask your baby to hide a large ball in a large jar, a medium one in a medium one, and a small one in a small one. Next, you should close each jar with a lid corresponding to it in size. After that, remove the balls from the cans and put them into each other (hide all the cans in one big one). Of course, there are a lot of similar exercises, and for any child you can choose the ones he likes best.