Everybody had to deal with the crisis of adolescence. The period of growing up is accompanied not only by hormonal changes, but also by various psychological changes: rapid mood swings, increased irritability, aggressiveness, and sometimes asociality. To overcome the problems of adolescence, you need to understand them.

At the age of 11 in girls and 12 in boys, a rapid restructuring of the body begins. It coincides with adolescence and is accompanied by various problems. This is due to the large gap between the social, intellectual and biological maturation of the individual. He is 6-10 years old.
The teenager is constantly trying to realize himself as a person and find a balance between confidence-uncertainty, maturity-immaturity, completeness and inferiority. The achievement of the main goal of the adolescent - the acquisition of personal autonomy - is often accompanied by youthful rebellion. And the task of adults is to understand a teenager and help him become an independent person, overcoming this difficult period of his life with the least difficulty.
As a teenager grows up, it becomes unpredictable. A quick change of mood, accompanied by strange (from the point of view of an adult) actions, hyper-penance, in which a teenager with manic persistence tries to succeed in the area where he is weakest. With all these symptoms, an adult should have a heart-to-heart talk with a teenager and explain to him that everyone goes through this. It is necessary to sort out the situation together, decide what results the teenager wants to achieve and what means can lead to the goal, and what not.
This age includes the appearance of idols in adolescents, the actions and behavior of which teenagers are trying to follow. With great attention it is necessary to treat teenage idols. Among them there may be those who carry antisocial ideas, preach self-destruction and the cult of death. It is possible that the teenager is simply following the youth fashion, without thinking about what is happening. The task of the adult in this case is not to prohibit and blame, but to understand the child and help him. Adults require a lot of tact and participation in joint problem solving.
In extreme cases, if a child becomes antisocial and dangerous to others, you should contact specialists who will provide qualified assistance.