Toxicosis during pregnancy occurs in many women, and it can appear both at an early stage and several weeks before childbirth. If toxicosis of the first trimester does not threaten the health of the mother and child, then late toxicosis (gestosis) is very dangerous for both.

Most often, toxicosis occurs in women who are expecting their first child. It can have a mild form, in which the sense of smell is only exacerbated. Or it can annoy the expectant mother with constant bouts of nausea.
First trimester toxicosis
Some women may feel the first symptoms of toxicosis as early as 4 weeks of pregnancy. These include nausea, drowsiness, feeling unwell, irritability, and weight loss.
The cause of early toxicosis is metabolic products excreted by the fetus. Until 16 weeks, the placenta has not yet been fully formed, so the baby's waste products enter the mother's body, causing intoxication.
Another cause of toxicosis may be a hormonal jump in the mother's body. As a result, it aggravates the sensitivity to odors and tastes of certain foods that were well tolerated before pregnancy.
Water with lemon or eating small meals, but often, will help relieve attacks of toxicosis. After 16 weeks of pregnancy, as a rule, the symptoms of toxicosis disappear without a trace, so you need to be patient and get through this period.
Late toxicosis
Toxicosis in the last trimester of pregnancy is called gestosis. Most often, it occurs at a period of 30 weeks.
The earliest symptoms of preeclampsia include thirst attacks, high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. Over time, they are joined by edema, weight gain of more than 500 grams per week and bouts of nausea.
This condition is dangerous because blood circulation and water-salt balance are disturbed in the mother's body. The placenta swells, begins to function worse, and the baby receives an insufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients.
Prevention of gestosis is reduced to limiting fatty, spicy, sweet and salty foods, as well as the amount of liquid drunk. Special exercises for pregnant women, walks in the fresh air and sleep for at least 8 hours a day are useful.
Most often, gestosis is observed in women expecting their first child or twins. The presence of chronic diseases, sexually transmitted infections, and the age of a woman over 35 years old are also risk factors for the appearance of gestosis.
In order to find out if your pregnancy will be accompanied by toxicosis, ask your mother how her pregnancy went. In most cases, toxicosis is hereditary.