The problem of nasal congestion worries the parents of many young children who are not yet able to cleanse it on their own. One way to clean your baby's nose safely and thoroughly is to make the baby sneeze in one way or another.

Step 1
Often, parents of small children are faced with the emerging problem of congestion of the child's nose with mucus and dried crusts, which makes it difficult to breathe normally. Since a small child does not yet know how to blow his nose on his own or otherwise clean his nose, the adults around him should do this.
Step 2
Moreover, it is very important to cleanse the nose without causing irritation of its mucous membrane. The safest option for cleansing the child's nose is to make him sneeze, so that when the air is exhaled strongly through the nasal opening, pieces of mucus and dry crusts fly out on their own.
Step 3
There are several effective ways to make your child sneeze.
First, you can tickle your child's nostrils with a tightly rolled piece of cotton wool or a feather. Such mechanical irritation of the nerve endings of the nose will cause a sneezing reflex in the baby. In this case, one should be very careful and attentive, not allowing deep penetration of a foreign object into the child's nose.
Step 4
Secondly, you can cause irritation of the nasal mucosa, which will lead to sneezing, by instilling ordinary saline solution into the child's nose, as well as fresh aloe or Kalanchoe juice. The repeated sneezing caused by such burying will lead to deep cleansing of the maxillary sinuses. The use of Kalanchoe and aloe juices is more preferable than the use of saline.
Step 5
After all, it has long been known that the juices of these plants have a killing bacteria, as well as an action preventing their reproduction in relation to various groups of microbes, and this will allow, simultaneously with cleansing the nose, to prevent colds. It should be remembered that it is not recommended for young children to bury pure juice; it must be diluted with boiled water at about room temperature in a 1: 1 ratio.