There is an opinion among the people that a baby born with a weight less than average is not a healthy newborn, even if he appeared without any complications and on time. Large children with great height and weight are considered healthy.

Pathology or norm
The norm for newborns is considered a weight of three kilograms, plus or minus 500 grams. We can say - this is a classic weight. Babies weighing more than five kilograms are considered "giants". The growth of such heroes is also above average and can reach 60 centimeters.
However, there are cases when even these "heroic" norms exceed by several tens of percent.
These large babies don't necessarily become giants when they grow up. With age, the difference with children with average parameters gradually decreases, and by maturity it disappears altogether. For example, born in Texas, Tom Jerrison in 1962 weighed 8.5 kilograms and was 58 centimeters tall. By the age of 10, his weight was already 33 kg, that is, it was within the average norm. At 50, with a height of 175 cm, his body weight was 80 kg. It turns out that nature itself corrects the failures in the development of giants-children.
However, not everything is so good. Physicians have been studying such anomalies for several decades. Often overweight children born later suffer from diabetes mellitus, they are much more likely to have allergic diseases. This is due to altered muscle tone. Neurological diseases often develop in large children born. Of course, when such a child is born, it is not necessary that he will develop all such diseases, but the risk of their occurrence is much greater than that of "average" children.
It's just that the parents of the baby will need to pay more attention to such factors in the future.
Birth records of giants
In the world, the appearance of newborns with a weight exceeding the norm has been recorded for a long time. There are many such cases described in the Guinness Book of Records. More recently, a baby was born in Indonesia, whose weight was more than nine kilograms (2009). The boy's height was 62 cm. The birth of such a child can hardly be called ordinary childbirth, most likely, it was an extract from his mother.
Modern medicine is ready for such surprises of nature, so nothing threatened the health of the mother of such a hero. The difficulty was in raising the child after childbirth. Mom constantly had to feed the baby, since from his first days he was distinguished by an increased appetite. This large baby also differed from the rest of the babies in his voice, because he cried much louder than others.
Doctors explain such an increased development of the fetus by the disease of the woman in labor with diabetes mellitus. The largest newborns in the countries of the former CIS are considered to be a boy weighing 6, 7 kg (Samara) and a girl born in Altai, her weight was 7, 7 kg. At the moment, a child whose birth weight reached 10, 2 kg is considered the record holder. This baby was born in 1955 in Italy.