It often happens that children of a particular age deceive their parents. In many cases, this entails the anger of the father or mother, as well as frequent mistakes, due to which the child resorts to lying again. To avoid this, you need to know some rules of behavior in such situations.

The main thing to be done is to understand the reasons for children's lies and understand what pushes the little man to deception. In no case should you scold and punish a child, because this can have a completely opposite effect. Moreover, the children are not lying to spite you. They are just trying to get away from the truth, which, for some reason, is difficult and uncomfortable for them. Start with yourself. Think and frankly admit to yourself if you often scold, scold, punish your child, find fault with him. Perhaps it is because of this that he is trying to hide the truth, so as not to listen to moral teachings from you again or not to suffer another punishment.
An example is the “lost” diary problem, when a child tries to hide a bad grade from his parents. Upon learning the truth, they scold, scold or punish him. And the child, in turn, perceives this as a punishment for all the same unfortunate bad assessment, and not for a lie. And next time he will definitely try to hide the truth again, maybe now the lie will help out. Therefore, it is so important not to punish the child, but to calmly explain to him that cheating is not good, that he can entrust everything to mom and dad. It will be very good if you also not just have a heart-to-heart talk, but also help your son or daughter understand a difficult topic, correct the assessment and continue to prevent this from happening. Then the child will begin to trust you and understand that they will not be punished for a bad grade.
Preschool children can also often cheat for fear of punishment or fear that they will be less loved, such naughty ones. For this, it is not at all necessary that punishment be practiced in your family. Sometimes they just need to listen to the scary stories of other kids about being scolded at home. A frank conversation is also important here. It is necessary to explain to the child that parents always need to tell the truth, the baby will not only not be scolded for it, but will also be praised. And if a problem situation arises, help the baby to solve it, show attention so that he understands that mom and dad can be trusted.
Know that trust, respect for the child and love will be your first assistants in the difficult fight against childish lies. Therefore, do not forget to pay attention to your child, no matter what age he is, build trusting, friendly relations with him and maintain. Perhaps then this problem will never affect you.