The search for a person can be associated with different events. Someone is looking for missing persons during wars, natural disasters, accidents, someone cannot find a dad, whom he has not seen all his life, and someone every day looks for information about one of the relatives who left home and did not return …

Step 1
Most of these situations involve tragedies, usually large-scale ones. Therefore, looking for people is associated with grief, which often gets in the way of those people who are looking. In case your grandfather disappeared (left home and did not return), you need to act immediately. An older person is less likely to remain alive and well after such troubles, so the salvation of grandfather depends entirely on you, your quick wits, your endurance and your faith in the best.
Step 2
The situation may not be so tragic. For example, your grandfather broke up with your grandmother a long time ago, got married a second time and left somewhere far away. You've always wanted to find it. Here (as, indeed, in the first case), you can use television and those programs that are associated with the search for missing people. You can apply for radio, write to a newspaper or magazine. You can try to go yourself to the place where your grandfather left at one time. There can be many moves and exits here, the situation can be simpler and more complicated.
Step 3
This option is also possible. Your grandfather went missing during the war, and you hope to find out where he died. In this case, you can join the search units. However, before choosing the direction of movement, find out as precisely as possible where your grandfather might have been at the time of his death. You may have to travel abroad if you are determined to find the remains of your grandfather. Use all sources of information - it is very difficult to find a person in the earth.
Step 4
The Internet will be a very good help for you in all three cases. Now all kinds of social networks are growing by leaps and bounds. There you can join groups, arrange polls, meet people, then go "into real life" and start searching. Maybe you will be able to recruit a team, say, in order to participate in a search party, and together with new friends you will find not only your missing grandfather, but also their ancestors.