How To Choose Programs For Children

How To Choose Programs For Children
How To Choose Programs For Children

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The programs for children perform an important cognitive function in the development of the child. With the help of television programs, the child acquires the necessary knowledge, and then learns to apply it in practice. Therefore, you should take seriously the choice of TV programs for your child.

How to choose programs for children
How to choose programs for children


Step 1

Children's programs have a developing and teaching role in the education system. So, with the help of entertainment programs, the child can learn more about the animal world around him, learn to count, learn poems and more. For example, after watching programs about animals and plants, a child can form his own worldview, attitude to the world around him and his ideas about it. So he learns to compare the information received with the surrounding reality.

Step 2

The programs that teach the child letters and numbers are essential for the intellectual growth and development of the child. In some programs, simple tasks are dealt with, examples of tasks and their solutions are clearly presented. Thus, the child learns to analyze, memorize material and carry out other mental work.

Step 3

There are many programs that focus specifically on the development of a child's memory and speech. These include memorizing children's rhymes, proverbs, tongue twisters. It should be noted that the process of assimilating new knowledge will not be tedious and complicated. After all, new knowledge is presented in a bright and interesting light for the child.

Step 4

There are criteria by which to choose a gear for a child. Of course, his age must be taken into account. Certain requirements are imposed on the programs of each age category: the amount of material, its level of complexity and the duration of the program.

Step 5

For example, for preschool children from 3 to 7 years old, it is very important to gain knowledge in a playful way. These can be programs that invite a child to make a simple toy with their own hands: to blind, glue, assemble, sew. This is how the child applies creative skills and imagination to create a new object.

Step 6

For kids 3 to 5 years old, smart transmissions are needed. For example, programs that teach you to determine the shape of objects, name their colors, remember the names of animals, plants, birds.

Step 7

The next criterion by which to select TV programs for children is emotionality. It is important to understand that the child memorizes new information, then applies it in life. Thus, children should be shown “kind” programs that do not contain scenes of violence and cruelty.

Step 8

Of course, children's programs do not replace communication with parents and peers for a child. The average recommended viewing time for children's programs is 15 to 20 minutes. Children should not spend longer than the designated time at the TV screen or computer monitor.
