It so happens that a seemingly interesting, successful guy, at the sight of a girl he likes, is shy and turns into a fool. The fear of rejection makes him numb and not take action. There is no need to be afraid - it was not the gods who burned the pots.

Modern trick - dating on the Internet
Dating girls has become much easier because the network is teeming with dating sites. Girls post various photos, fill out questionnaires, change statuses. You just have to indicate in the search the purpose of the acquaintance and the parameters you are interested in. Send a smiley face and a gift to the girl who likes it, and in return she will send you words of gratitude - so the conversation will start.
To increase efficiency, use the paid services of the site: see your guests and fans, raise your profile by a few points in the search, and turn on the "invisible" mode.
After chatting for a couple of days online, you can safely ask for a phone number. If you are lucky, and the girl will exchange contacts with you, then after a week it is really possible to invite her on a romantic date.
Nothing is more important than a first impression
Dating in real time is much more difficult than on a dating site, no matter where it happens: in a club, library, store, on the street. It takes a lot of effort to get the courage and go for broke.
Psychologists say that the first impression about a person is one of the most persistent, so be extremely careful and delicate.
Never dare to start a dialogue with hackneyed, disgusting phrases: "Girl, does your mother need a son-in-law?", "Beautiful, let's get acquainted!", "Girl, you are so stunning, and I am lonely."
Do not be daring and do not try to seem cooler than you really are. Impudence, arrogance and rudeness are repulsive. But at the same time, know your worth: if a girl refused you, do not pursue her as if she is your last hope. Plus, annoying men scare women.
Be friendly and as open as possible. Smile. If the dialogue gets stuck, try a light and harmless joke - just not about looks. Girls do not like this, it is especially dangerous to make fun of them in the first minutes of their acquaintance. Better tell her a couple of compliments - she will be satisfied.
Be yourself. Feel free to yourself. No need to imitate the standard behavior of guys. Templates and platitudes will surprise no one. You will go unnoticed.
Of course, all girls are different, and you can't fit all of them into some kind of framework. But one thing can be said for sure: the weaker sex likes to be admired, appreciated, respected and said nice things, so a well-mannered guy who does not belittle his female dignity will have more chances to get to know a girl.