Reliable and loyal friends, decent and benevolent colleagues at work, loved ones, ready to do anything for your sake - this is probably what the life of a happy person looks like. But what if, for one reason or another, you have doubts about the loyalty, devotion and love of the people around you?

Step 1
If you have doubts about the reliability and loyalty of your friends, analyze certain situations more often, try to observe your relationship as if from the outside. For example, you doubt the sincerity of your girlfriend or boyfriend. Answer yourself to the questions: why did you begin to distrust these people? How long has your friendship been, do you have specific reasons for mistrust? Has your imagination run wild if you think your friends are deliberately doing something that might harm you?
Step 2
Check your boyfriend or girlfriend by telling him in secret something "important" from your life, for example, about some bad deed that you once committed a long time ago and now you are tormented by remorse. Let this story be fictional, just try to make it look believable. Ask your friend not to tell anyone about this, not even to your closest friends. Show emotion to be believed.
Step 3
After swearing assurances from a friend or girlfriend that your secret will be kept, take the observer position. Don't rush things, wait. See if your friends' attitudes towards you change? Will they whisper behind your back or openly hint that they know something about you? Important here is the attitude of the keeper of your secret to you, has it changed? Do you also communicate frankly and kindly, or is there some distance between you?
Step 4
If you do not like the previous option, use a "secret" of any other plan, but one that is "meaningful" to you. For example, you are passionately "in love" with someone and you can no longer hide it from your best friend. This option is best used if you are not married. Further - watch, you can create an interesting situation, a kind of test drive for a friend, by inviting your "hero" and girlfriend to a romantic party and watching her actions. If you see obvious attempts at coquetry, seduction - your friend, alas, cannot be trusted.
Step 5
To test your colleagues at work, tell them about your intention to pursue a career. If you do not have such a goal, dream up. Describe how you will seek a promotion, how much you dream about it. Watch the reaction of your colleagues - your friends will support you, direct competitors and ill-wishers will discourage you.
Step 6
If in doubt about the love of your other half, create a situation in which you can test your true feelings for you. For example, "get sick" and ask your loved one to devote one day entirely to you. What kind of reaction will your request evoke from him? Will he sacrifice his deeds for you or will he just brush it off, at best calling a doctor? Of course, love is tested over the years and one specific situation is unlikely to give you an exhaustive answer to all the questions you have accumulated. The degree of respect and love for you can also be judged by how much time your other half devotes to you, whether you receive any pleasant surprises from him (her), whether your husband or wife seeks to spend leisure time with you, whether you are interested in yours. deeds, mood, etc.
Step 7
If testing your friends, coworkers, and loved ones has not yielded encouraging results, think about the reasons for this attitude towards you. Perhaps you yourself are to blame for not being respected and loved as much as you would like? In this case, work on yourself, on your attitude towards others.