Some girls have no end to their fans, they are approached at the institute and in the club, on the tram and in the bakery. And others are catastrophically unlucky with new acquaintances. Moreover, girls of ordinary appearance often attract the attention of young people more than beauties and clever girls. You should not wait for fate, sitting behind the stove, when you can learn to be in the center of attention yourself.

Step 1
Smile It's great when the girl's face expresses a positive infusion. This does not mean a polite grin, but a sparkle in the eyes, a willingness to smile. Young people are drawn to such a young lady (both among acquaintances in a company, and simply on the streets, in public places), while gloomy, eternally sad virgins do not have a pleasant acquaintance.
Step 2
PostureSmooth back, straightened shoulders, smooth gait - such a girl is hard to miss, it is impossible to walk past her. Therefore, slouching, hiding your eyes on the floor is strictly prohibited - both for health and for happiness in your personal life. The easiest way is to form a luxurious gait and royal posture in dance classes (absolutely any direction will do).
Step 3
Sign Language Learn to communicate with the young person you like before uttering the first phrases. To help here - your eyes, hair, mouth. The most unsociable young man will not be able to ignore a girl who glances sideways, casually shakes her hair and does not hide a warm smile. Do not overdo it, turning flirting gestures into nervous tics or obscene flirting. Be Natural: What's wrong with stylish hair styling or magazine reading while biting your lip into your habits?
Step 4
Conversation Being a pleasant companion is easy: learn to listen, show genuine interest (but when you first meet, she should be delicate, without undue questioning). As you know, every person's favorite topic of conversation is his own person. Tell about yourself not in the tone of an autobiography: if a young man at a party praises your ability to move instead of the phrase "I've been doing dancing for five years," mysteriously tell that salsa is still given to you better than a club destination. Respond to compliments with gratitude. If they embarrass you, it's better to admit it flirtatiously than to hide your embarrassment under a mask of indifference.