Does The Child Always Love His Parents

Does The Child Always Love His Parents
Does The Child Always Love His Parents

Love is a wonderful feeling that is inherent in every person. There is love between man and woman, friendly love and love between children and parents. The latter kind of this feeling is found everywhere and everywhere. However, sometimes you can hear from a child that he does not treat dad or mom with warmth.

Does the child always love his parents
Does the child always love his parents

Is it possible for a child to lack love for his parents?

On the Internet, you can find a lot of information about how parents treat their children. But practically nowhere is the theme of children's love for their parents touched upon. It would seem, how is this permissible? But the reality is that sometimes unpleasant situations are created and it is extremely difficult to fix them. Many psychologists are trying to find problems as a result of which a child, as he believes, ceases to love his parents. There is no unequivocal answer to such a question and there never will be, however, there are several objective opinions that allow you to understand the situation. Problems should be looked for as deep as possible, as superficial indicators can be deceiving. Very often the child stops loving one of the parents, because in such situations, when people are trying to save the situation, synchronous actions are important.

In any conflict with a child, parents should adhere to one point of view, since if one protects the child, and the other engages in moralizing, most likely, the child will treat him negatively.

The most common reasons for a child's lack of love for their own parents

The first and, perhaps, the most common reason for a child's lack of love for parents is a lack of attention. It happens that parents stay at work for a long time, and the baby remains left to grandparents, other relatives or nannies.

In such situations, the child loses understanding of who his parents are and switches his feelings to those who are nearby.

The second most common cause occurs when there are two or three children in a family. In such cases, younger children receive more attention, while older children become jealous and resentful of their little brothers and sisters. Resentment lurks and develops into aggression, after which an indifferent attitude towards one's parents and loved ones sets in. At such times, it is very important to give the same amount of attention to all children.

The third reason is not very common, but it is quite common: the departure of one of the family members from home or the divorce of the parents. Unfortunately, one of the parents who leaves the house during a divorce or as a result of quarrels ceases to give the child the proper amount of attention, while the toddler begins to believe that he is not loved. In some cases, the child even begins to believe that it is he who is the cause of all the problems and tries to distance himself as much as possible from his relatives, which further leads to his indifference.

All these reasons are just the tip of the iceberg. For children, it is important not only the attitude in the family, but also its well-being. No case lends itself to analysis without detailed consideration, therefore it is important to understand the essence of the problem and try to solve it at the deepest level.
