No material thing on earth can please a person when there is discord in his own family. On the other hand, what could be more pleasant than sharing some joy with your family. There are some simple rules for making your home a place you want to return to.

Tips for a strong family:
Oddly enough, but all even the most beautiful and strong couples "fell apart" for the same reasons. Since ancient times, jealousy, violation of the spouse's personal space, suspicions, etc., interfere with the existence of peace and love in the family.
Tip # 1: Stop, don't find fault with trifles!
You just live, mind your own business, love and do not interfere with doing it to another person!
Wise women know that after a hard day's work a man wants to come home and relax. Therefore, you don't need to overwhelm him with unnecessary chatter or anything that annoys your spouse.
And a man should not interfere with a woman, and not infringe on her rights.
Council number 2. No need to try to change the other person, you better change yourself!
If you decide to spend your whole life with a certain person, be ready to accept him, with all his merits and demerits. And don't even try to change anything. The result is the same - a divorce!
Council number 3. Do not criticize!
Women are built in such a way that they constantly need to be praised. But these should not be “empty words”. Everyone wants to be appreciated. So appreciate what she does. Show how important it is to you.
And a man should always feel like a man! Never humiliate him or criticize him (especially in front of strangers), on the contrary, "spur" him on to new deeds!
Council number 4. Always be grateful and grateful!
A woman just needs attention (too much prophecy), give her flowers, give compliments, show how grateful you are to her for being there.
Council number 5. Listen to Dr. Popenau!
This doctor believes that people often get divorced for 4 reasons:
- Sexual inadequacy;
- The couple cannot find a compromise on how to spend their free time;
- Financial difficulties;
- Various disorders (Emotional, physiological and mental).
And if these difficulties are overcome, then peace and harmony will reign in the family.
Summing up, we can say that these are only general recommendations. After all, all people are different, all have their own views on life, their own character traits and principles. Marriage is not a war, there are no winners or losers, you have to be able to love, listen and forgive!