You change your phone, risking losing half of your friends, but he finds your new number in the remaining half; you have a new haircut and makeup, but he likes you even more. It haunts you like karma, and there seems to be no way to hide from it. He is an annoying admirer who imagines your conquest as the meaning of his life. Don't be upset. You can ward off such a would-be lover. The main thing is a scientific approach.

Step 1
Never compromise on anything. An annoying admirer, having received even a tiny concession to his requirements, will certainly "push" you, forcing you to agree to something larger. Even if this is not the case, any concession by any person is always regarded as an advance.
Step 2
Do not be lazy to repeat to a young man that you do not need him. They say water wears away a stone. Don't give him the illusion that his courtship might one day break your resistance.
Step 3
"I will hit the wall (open my veins, throw myself out of the 15th floor window, etc.) if you are not mine!" - this is chantage. Probably the oldest of its forms. Don't give in. All those unfortunate lovers who used this method of winning their beloved, but were still rejected, are still alive and well. But it is not worth leaving unpunished attempts to intimidate you. Be sure to tell the "suicide" whatever you think about his methods to you. Fear not, the self-preservation instinct is much stronger than hormones.
Step 4
Don't feel guilty. Neither you, nor your short skirt and bright makeup are to blame for the guy's obsessions. You do not bear any responsibility for other people's emotions.
Step 5
No gifts can be accepted. Probably, this point should be attributed to the point on concessions. By accepting a gift from a fan, you (these are the psychological realities) let him know that you are ready to accept his courtship.
Step 6
Do not use an unrequited lover to walk with your dog, help carry heavy bags, and the like. Of course, the temptation is huge, but the chances are that after a while you simply cannot do without this sweet and always ready guy to help you.
Step 7
Finally, heavy artillery. Demonstrate well-being to the lover in your personal life in every possible way. It's rare to find a young (and not so) man who is able to continue caring for a girl who has already given her heart to another.